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1. How is Mary Maloney 14. How does Mary’s
feeling as she waits for her pregnancy affect how the
husband to come home? reader responds to her
2. Why does Mary feel character?
blissful when her husband
comes home from work?
3. What does she say she 15. Why do you think the
loves about her husband? exact words Patrick uses to
4. What unusual thing say he is leaving her are not
does the husband do? included in the story? What
impact does it have?
5. What job does her 16. Why is the fact Patrick is
husband have? a police detective important
in the story?
6. What does the husband
tell his wife which shocks
7. How does Mary feel 17. Why does Mary insist
after the husband gives that the police detectives
the bad news? consume the leg of lamb?
8. What does Mary do
with the leg of lamb?
9. What happens to Mary’s 18. Why is the title of the
mind after the incident story ‘Lamb to the
with the leg of lamb? Slaughter’ ironic and
10. Where does Mary humorous?
leave the house to go?
11.How do the detectives 19. How has Mary
behave towards Mary? Maloney’s character
12. What drink does she changed at the end of the
serve the policemen and story compared to the start?
13. Why at the end of the 20. Is Mary a hero or villain?.
story does Mary begin to Justify your answer.

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