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Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, o r d!

This text is for Questions 1 to 5. The text is for Questions 6 and 7.

The residents of the small town of Blora, 105
kilometers from Semarang, were surprised earlier How to make Stickers I
this year when the whole body of the fossilized What you'll need : little squirt bottles of fabric paint
elephant skeleton was found nearby. and mirror or glass to work on.
The construction of the skeleton was Follow the four easy steps below:
completed last month and it had been taken to the 1. Take the paint and make a design or drawing
geology museum in Bandung, said Suroso, the on the glass, like name, flower, heart, or star.
Ministry of Culture and Tourism director of 2. Let the paint dry for 24 hours or until it isn't too
archeological heritage. soft to touch or press down. The more paint you
It was estimated that the elephant died some use, the longer it will take to dry.
200,000 years ago and was from an ancient 3. After it is dry, peel off the paint and the design
species much larger than the modern-day Sumatran will come cleanly off the glass. Make sure to do
elephants, categorized as the smaller Asian it slowly so it will not break the design into
elephants. pieces. The paint will feel just like thin rubber
The elephant fossil was first found by villagers and is very easy to tear.
after part of a sand quarry. collapsed near Sanggon 4. Rub a little bit of water on the back of the sticker
village, some three kilometers from the Bengawan so it can stick to another surface. Place it
Solo river. The villagers, unsure of what to do with anywhere on the mirror or any other surface.
their finding, called in local officials and the news
eventually reached the ITB. It had taken them four 6. How many things are needed to make sticker?
weeks to evacuate the huge but fragile prehistoric a. One. c. Three.
fossil, which was three meters tall with tusks about b. Two. d. Four.
two meter long. 7. From the text above, we know that we have to
be careful to peel off the paint because it is....
1. The text tells about.... a. tough c. breakable
a. Indonesia's big elephants b. dry d. clean
b. elephants found in Java island
c. the finding of elephant fossils This text is for Questions 8 to 11.
d. the museum of archeology fossils In the village in Kalibu there once lived a
2. "The residents of the small town of Blora .....” man who had a bad temper. He was known as a
The underlined word means.... Daegdog, which meant thunder. His wife, on the
a. experts c. workers other hand, was kind and gentle. They had a
b. archeologist d. people daughter, Aganhon. She was as lovely as the
3. How long had it been to take the whole body of dawn.
the fossilized elephant froth the earth? Years passed by and Aganhon grew lovelier.
a. 200.000 years. c. A month. Men from far and nearby places came to ask for
b. Several year. d. Four weeks. her love. Among them was Maeopig. He had an
4. The main idea of paragraph 1 is.... uncontrollable temper, but Daegdog chose him to
a. a whole elephant fossil was recovered be Aganhon's husband.
b. a whole body of a fossilized elephant was Maeopig the bridegroom was very happy but
found the girl was not. She locked herself in her room.
c. the first elephant skeleton fossil was Even her mother, Mabuot, cried to soften her-
constructed husband's heart.
d. the first elephant skeleton fossil was A big crowd attended the wedding feast and
surprising there was a lot of joy, but the bride was nowhere
5. The finding may show us that ... to be seen. She was not in the house. They looked
a. Java was one of the ancient elephants' for the girl around the village but it was useless.
habitats. Later, her lifeless body was found near a spring, a
b. many villagers found it first near the dagger thrust into her heart. Daegdog was very
Bengawan Solo river. sad.
c. ancient people moved the elephant fossil for The next day, Aganhon appeared to her
worship father's dream, and said there will be a tree
d. the archeologists could concentrate their growing in the grave as the remembrance.
research there.

Paket.BIG-IX.14-15 editor by Skm (18)

14. The main idea of paragraph 3 is....
The next morning, the sad parents visited a. saying things in anger can hurt someone
their daughter's grave. They found a huge tree full deeply
of heart-shaped fruit. The fruit were sweet and b. the boy has done his punishment well
aromatic like Aganhon, the helpless girl. Since c. the boy's father is happy to see his bad
then, the fruit has been known as the mango. tempered son
d. the wound becomes a scar in somebody's
8. From the story above, we know that Daegdog's heart
wife ... her wedding.
a. supported c. encouraged Read the text and answer Questions 15 and 16.
b. disagreed with d. dismissed for
9. Why did Aganhon lock herself inside her room? Uriflush Health Supplement
a. She had an uncontrollable temper. URIFLUSH
b. She wanted to talk to her mother.
c. It was the tradition for the bride.
d. She refused to get married with Maeopig.
10. ... there will be a tree growing in the grave as a
remembrance." The underlined words means....
a. painting c. statue As a food supplement helps to dissolve urine
b. picture d. memory stones, stimulate diuretic effects, and relieves renal
11. What can we learn from the story? pains.
a. Love makes people foolish. The medicinal plant, Kejibeling (Strobilanthus
b. Selfishness brings you to a great loss. folium) has been well known for a long time as a
c. Obedience is a great sacrifice. good therapy for the urinary stones. The
d. Greediness is a source of disaster. combination of Kumis Kucing leaves (Orthosiphonis
folium), Alang-alang roots (Imperate rhizome) and
The following text is for Questions 12 to 14. Kejibeling leaves is capable of dissolving stones in
There once was a little boy who had a bad the kidney and in the urinary tract. Meniran
temper. He could get angry easily. His father gave (phyllanthi herba), leaves of Kejibeling and roots of
him a bag of nails and told him that every time he Alang-alang have been known to exert a diuretic
lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the effect. This diuretic effect is able to force out stone
back of the fence. The first day, the boy had fragments which may block the urinary tract.
hammered 37 nails into the fence. For the next few Moreover, such combination can reduce the pain of
weeks, as he could control his anger, the number the urinary tract.
of nails hammered was getting smaller. He Composition:
discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to Each capsule contains total extract of.
hammer those nails into the fence. Orthosiphonis folium 138,5 mg
Finally the day came when the boy didn't get Strobilanthus folium 138,5 mg
angry at all. He told his father about it and the Phyllanthus folium 111,5 mg
father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail Imperantus rhizome 111,5 mg
each day he was able to hold his temper. The days
passed and the boy was finally able to tell his Dosage:
father that all the nails were gone. Adult: 2 capsules 3 times daily
The father took his son and led him to the
fence. He said, "You have done well, my son! but 15. The writer's purpose to write the text is....
look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never a. to force people to buy the supplement
be the same. When you say things in anger, they b. to tell the steps how to eat the supplement
leave a scar just like this one. It won't matter how c. to give information about Uriflush Health
many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still Supplement
there. c. to announce Uriflush Health Supplement

12. What is the moral value of the story? 16. "... to force out stone fragments which may block
a. We must be nice to other people. the urinary tract"
b. We have to control our anger. The underlined word has same meaning as....
c. We must hammer nails to stop our anger. a. cure c. cover
d. We must be patient to hammer nails. b. melt d. destroy
13. What should the boy do when he lost his
a. Bought a lot of nails.
b. Hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
c. Pulled out the nail from the fence.
d. Made a hole on the back of the fence.

Paket.BIG-IX.14-15 editor by Skm (19)

will occur and can be seen as lightning.
The following text is for Questions 17 to 20. The temperature of a lightning bolt can be
five times hotter than the surface of the sun.
Although the lightning is extremely hot, the
The apple is the duration is short and 90% of striken victims
pomaceous fruit of the apple survive. Contrary to the popular idea that lightning
tree. It is one of the most does not strike twice in the same spot, some
widely cultivated tree fruits. people have been struck by lightning over three
The tree is small, 3 to 12 times, and skyscrapers like the Empire State
meters tall. The flowers are Building have been struck numerous times in the
white. They have five petals with 2.5 to 3.5 same storm. The loud bang that is heard is the
centimeters in diameter. The fruit is 5 to 9 super heated air around the lightning bolt
centimeters in diameters. The apple tree comes expanding at the speed of sound. Because sound
from Central Asia. There are more than 7,500 travels slower than light the flash is seen before
known cultivars of apples. the bang, although both occur at the same
Research show that apples may reduce the moment.
risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung
cancer. Apples contain relatively low amounts of 21. What does the text mostly talk about?
Vitamin C as well as several other antioxidant a. Electrical charge. c. Thunderstorm.
compounds. The fiber content in apples may b. Lightning. d. Weather.
reduce the risk of colon cancer. They may also 22. How is the static electricity built up?
help coping with heart disease, weight loss, and a. When the very cold water droplets collide
controlling cholesterol. They are rich with caloric with the ice crystal.
content like most fruits and vegetables. b. It happened under the heavy rain in the sky.
c. When the wet air blast in the cloud.
17. The text mostly tells about.... d. When there is cloud rises to the high altitude
a. the function and the origin of apple in a very cold weather.
b. the physical description and the cultivars of 23. "... due to static electricity generated by
apple supercooled water droplets ..." (Paragraph 1, line
c. the content and the disease of apple 3)
d. the physical description and the function of What does the underlined word mean?
apple a. Collided. c. Produced.
18. The risk of having ... can be lessened by b. Delivered. d. Sent.
consuming apples 24. From the text, we can conclude that....
a. heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes a. most victims of lightning strikes can survive.
b. prostate cancer, blood cancer, and b. lightning will strike people more than three
cholesterol times.
c. colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lung c. lightning likes to strike tall building like
cancer Empire State Building.
d. lung cancer, cholesterol, and high blood d. the people who get a lightning strike will die
pressure soon.
19. What content of the apple helps to reduce the
risk of colon cancer? The following text is for Question numbers 25 and 26.
a. Fiber. c. Calory.
b. Vitamin C. d. Antioxidant. At Featherdale, it's pure
20. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. Apple is widely cultivated plant in the world. animal attraction
b. Apple can help to reduce the risk many kinds The world's largest collection of Australian native
of diseases. animals can be found at the multi award winning
c. Apple contains low amounts of vitamins. Featherdale Wildlife Park.
d. Apple is rich in calory to cure all kinds of
diseases. Call in on your way to the majestic Blue Mountains,
get up really close to koalas, kangaroos, and
This text is for Questions 21 to 24. wallabies and discover a fascinating family of more
Lightning is an electrical discharge that than 2,200 animals, birds, reptiles, including 4'/2
occurs in a thunderstorm. It can be seen in the meter saltwater crocodiles. Meet them all in a
form of a bright streak (or bolt) from the sky. natural bush setting spreading across 7 level acres.
Lightning occurs when an electrical charge is built
up within a cloud, due to static electricity Just 40 minutes from Sydney, Featherdale is the
generated by supercooled water droplets colliding ultimate interactive wildlife experience for everyone.
with ice crystals near the freezing level. When a You can't find it in other zoos in Australia
large enough charge is built up, a large discharge

Paket.BIG-IX.14-15 editor by Skm (20)

c. To be able to do amazing things.
25. What can you see at Featherdale? d. To shine in an amazing way.
a. A natural bush. Read the message and answer Question 31.
b. A wildlife park.
c. A fascinating family. Dear Mr. Hartono,
d. Australian native animals.
26. Why is Featherdale different from other zoos? I would like to inform you the death of Mrs.
a. Featherdale has some tropical animal Jeanne Pearl, a teacher of SMP Caesarian Jakarta,
collections. on Tuesday, February 2, 2010.
b. Visitors at Featherdale are welcome to She will be buried at the Yogyakarta cemetery,
interact with animals. Saturday, February 6, 2010. May God the Almighty
c. Featherdale is easy to visit from Sydney. bless her always.
d. Featherdale has the largest colection of
wildlife in the world. Sender: The Principal of SMP Caesarian Jakarta

Read the text and answer Questions 27 and 28. 31. Where will the funeral service take place?
To : <> a. At the Yogyakarta cemetery.
cc : Ana<> b. SMP Caesarian.
date and time : August 14, 2009 c. In Jakarta.
d. At school.
Hi ... Tina! There is good news for you. Pusat Ilmu
will hold a book fair at our school next Friday. There The text is for Questions 32 and 33.
will be some interesting books to buy. The list of the Dear seniors,
books has been already distributed. I'll show it to The class of 2010 is closing on graduation. Our
you tomorrow if you come. All prices will be cut off seniors have truly made our Junior High School
until 15%. It's fantastic, isn't it? I plan to visit it. Will proud of their success. And we are looking forward
you join me? Please tell me soon. to having you in a celebration which will be held on :
Date : Saturday, June 2010
Love Time : At 8.00 p.m.
Ana Place : At the School Hall
We don't want anyone to miss any of the
27. What will be held at Anna and Tina's school? events. So please come and join!
a. A book fair.
b. A book distribution. School Principal
c. An interesting show.
d. A cut off price program. 32. What is the principal's hope related to the
28. What will Ana show to Tina? graduation?
a. A book list. c. A cut of price. a. The seniors will look forward to the
b. A book fair. d. Pusat ilmu. celebration.
b. The celebration was held on Saturday
This text is for Question 29. evening.
29. The notice in the plane says : c. All the seniors should not miss any of the
celebration events.
d. The graduation will be held for the
The notice above means that the lavatory is celebration.
being.... 33. From the text we can assume that the principal
a. cleaned by the crew is ... the seniors' success.
b. used by another passenger a. disappointed at c. satisfied with
c. renovated by the technician b. challenged by d. horrified by
d. locked by the passenger 34. Arrange the words into a good sentence!
the boarding gate – your identity card – when
This text is for Question 30. 1 2 3
Dear John, to the staff – show – entering
It's your time to shine! 4 5 6
Congratulations on your success. The right order is....
To be the best student is not easy, but a. 6 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 –2
you could do it. That's amazing! b. 6 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4
We are proud of you. c. 5 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 4
Irwan d. 5 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 1
30. What is John's success? 35. Rearrange the jumbled sentences below into a
a. To be the best student. good descriptive paragraph.
b. To make Irwan proud. 1. These small land percentage are consisting
of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage and

Paket.BIG-IX.14-15 editor by Skm (21)

Siladen islands. Tuminting, and Mapanget.

2. The park is a representative of Indonesia The Manado city is blessed with natural
tropical water ecosystem. beauty. With its vast sea and mountains, Manado
3. Established in 1991, the park covers the becomes the city of a wonderful travel destination.
area of 890,65 kM2. Water sports like scuba diving and snorkeling are
4. The Bunaken national Park is a marine park very popular tourist attractions and they become
in the north of Sulawesi. the first choice when travelers arrived here.
5. 97 % of which is marine habitat while the 3 Manado has some other travel destinations such
% others are consisting of islands. as the Bunaken island with its underwater view, the
The right order is.... Ban Hin Kiong temple, many volcanoes like the
a. 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 c. 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 1 Lokon volcano, the Mahawu volcano and some
b. 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 2 d. 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 lakes.
Manado is also a good place for shopping. It
The text is for Questions 36 to 39. is easy to find places to shop around Manado since
Michael Phelps is an American swimmer. He many of the shopping malls are scattered in the
was born in Baltimore on 30th June, 1985. He is 6 middle of the city, around the Pierre Tendean
ft, 4 inches tall. He weighs 195 pounds. Those Boulevard. Moreover, the city has a good
make his physique ideal for a swimmer - tall - broad administration and transportation system. The
shoulders and narrow hips. primary ways to get around are by ojek/ompreng,
He was the greatest swimmer in the 2008 taxis, or Mikrolets (micros).
Olympic game in Beijing. He had an ultimate goal - Manadonese food is famous throughout
to break the 7 gold medals held by Mark Spitz since Indonesia for two things: there are lots of choices
the 1972, and he did it. He got 8 gold medals in and they are all very spicy.
Beijing. Although many people were skeptical that it
could be done, he proved them wrong. 40. What does the text mostly tell us about?
Phelps' recent accomplishment will make him a. Manado as a big city.
the world's richest professional swimmer with the b. Manado as a mountainous area.
salary estimated 5 million dollars a year. c. Manado as a tourist destination.
d. Manado as a populated area.
36. What does the text tell you? 41. From the text above we know that Manado will
a. Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer from make the tourists ...
America. a. pleased. c. annoyed.
b. A history of a young and talented swimmer. b. disappointed. d. tired.
c. The world's swimming record in Beijing, 42. "...Manado has some other travel destinations
2008. such as the Bunaken island with its'amazing
d. Some tips to be a good swimmer. underwater...,"
37. How many gold medals did Michael get when he The underlined word refers to...
broke Mark Spitz's record? a. Manado.
a. 4. c. 7. b. the Bunaken island.
b. 6. d. 8. c. the Mahawu volcano.
38. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? d. the Ban Hin Kiong temple.
a. Michael Phelps earns much money from
swimming. The following test is for Questions 43 to 45.
b. The salary of a swimmer is the highest. On my daughter's Is' birthday, I made a cake
c. The richest man in the world is a swimmer. for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters,
d. The popular swimmer can get 5 millions Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a
dollars a year. wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to
39. "And he did it." make this special birthday cake. She is very good at
The underlined word refers to.... making cakes.
a. getting gold medal On that day, I went and got all items for the
b. winning the swimming contest cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a
c. breaking the record little bit nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined
d. earning much money how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose
the flavour. I made a cake with chocolate flavour. I
Read the text and answer Questions 40 to 42. followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally
Manado is a big city. It is the capital of the I could make it. It was not bad at all.
North Sulawesi province in Indonesia. Manado is All the people and the children who were
located at the bay of Manado so it is near the sea. invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was
It is surrounded by a mountainous area. The city very proud. My wife told the guests that I made the
has about 417,548 inhabitants. The municipality of birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were
Manado is divided into nine districts: Malalayang, surprised that I could make a cake. Since then
Sario, Wanea, Wenang, Tikala, Mapanget, Singkil,

Paket.BIG-IX.14-15 editor by Skm (22)

making cakes has become one of my hobbies.

43. The writer was inspired to make a birthday cake 46. a. hope c. expect
for his daughter by..... b. think d. predict
a. his guest c. his wife 47. a. climate c. temperature
b. his daughter d. his children b. weather d. atmosphere
44. What's the main idea of paragraph two? ' 48. a. absolutely c. totally
a. The writer was inspired to make a birthday b. naturally d. extremely
b. The writer decorated the cake with Disney This text is for Questions 49 and 50.
c. The writer got the idea to make a birthday ATTENTION!
cake. April 1st, 2010
d. The writer was making the birthday cake.
45. The writer felt a bit nervous because it was.... Dear colleagues,
a. his daughter's birthday We would like to inform you that we would be
b. a wonderful experience having Good Friday national public holidays from
c. the first time he made a cake Friday 2nd of April 2010 to Sunday, 4h of April 2010
d. difficult to make a cake due to the Good Friday.
We'll have to begin to work as usual on
For number 46 to 48, choose the suitable words Monday, 5h of April 2010. Have a nice holiday.
to fill in the blank.
Thank you Manager
Scientists ... (46) that increase in these gases
in the atmosphere will make the Earth a warmer
place. They expect a global rise in the average 49. What date will the working days start again?
temperature of 1.4. to 5*8 Celsius degrees (2.5 to a. The 1St of April 2010.
10.4 Fahrenheit degrees) in the next century. The b. The 2nd of April 2010.
average ... (47) has in fact been rising. The 1990s c. The 4h of April 2010.
were the warmest decade on record, and 2005 was d. The 5h of April 2010.
the warmest year on record. Some scientists are 50. Where is this kind of announcement likely
reluctant to say that global warming has actually found?
begun because climate ... (48) varies from year to a. In an airport.
year and decade to decade, and it takes many years b. In the market.
of records to be sure of a fundamental change. c. In an office.
There is little disagreement, though, that global d. At the railway station.
warming is on its way.

Paket.BIG-IX.14-15 editor by Skm (23)

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