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'I'Fiis is to certify tliat tlie 'Economics Project 'litfe

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ancf satisfactori{y comy{etecf 6y ----------- ----------- -----------

of cfass XII (..'Arts/Comm) Ro{{ No. ___________________________ _

'Registration No ----------- ----------- ----------- -------- in

yartia{fu(fi{{ment of curricu{um of Centra{ 'Boarcf of Seconcfary

'Eaucation (C'BS'E) {eacfing to tlie awarcf of 'Boan[ :Fina{

'Examination in tlie acacfemic year of 2020-21 in institution Sri

Xrisfina :Mission School

Interna{ 'Examiner 'Boarcf 'Examiner Princiya{

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