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‘THE MAURITIUS TURF CLUB PORT-LOUIS. MAURITIUS, CHAMP DE MARS. Ref: SDC/ks/220-22 09 Novembre 2022 Mme Taslima Valayden Impasse Sautrage, Pailles, Mauritius Chére Madame, Les Administrateurs du Mauritius Turf Club (MTC) ont pris connaissance du rapport du Comité Disciplinaire institué suite aux incidents du 6 aoat dernier dans le paddock. Le Comité Disciplinaire a trouvé que vous aviez enfreint les réglements du Club comme stipulés dans la lettre du 30 aout 2022 vous convoquant au dit Comité Disciplinaire. Le Comité Disciplinaire, aprés avoir pris en considération votre acceptation des faits, ainsi que vos excuses et vos remords affichés, a recommandé une sanction de trois journées de suspension lors des courses organisées par le MTC Sports & Leisure Ltd (MTCSL). Les Administrateurs ont décidé d’avaliser cette recommandation. Vous étes donc suspendue et n’aurez pas accés aux tribunes du MTC/MTCSL pour les trois prochaines journées organisées par le MTCSI., 3 compter de ce samedi 12 novembre 2022. Les Administrateurs ont aussi pris bonne note de votre engagement a ne pas récidiver et le Club compte sur vous pour respecter cet engagement. Recevez Madame mes salutations distinguées, Stephane-de Chalain Assistant Secrétaire Page 1 of 1 “Tavs (280) 242-22121208-6047 Fax : (290) 211-4050 (Adm) 208-1615 (Racing) eral (COMMUNIQUE OF MRS TASLIMA VALAYDEN FOLLOWING THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE OF THE MTC SUSPENSION OF 3 HORSE RACING MEETINGS (MTCSL) [have taken note of the letter dated 09" of November 2022 at 10hrs57 sent to me by the ‘Mauritius Turf Club which I received instantly wherein is stated that I have been suspended to attend race meetings organised by MTCSL for three weeks. ‘The suspension follows my actions done on the Barbe Cup which have been widely publicized. [must stress that my remorse concems uniquely any prejudice done to the MTC and MTCSL but I maintain that Jean Michel Lee Shim remains the main opponent to all those who love honest racing, horses, fairness and who is against the mafia whichever shape it takes. will of course abide to the decision of the MTC but I am proud that I have not let my club be dishonoured or dismantled before my eyes and remain impassive and indifferent. I vouch that I will continue to fight against Jean Michel Lee Shim, his shell companies, organisations, Mazavaroo and all those who support him in order to bring justice and faimess in our Republic. will use all democratic means to sensitize the General Public. I will also use my will power and intelligence to fight so that Jean Michel Lee Shim or his companies are not allowed to hold horse racing meeting and bettings in December! January as same will impoverish the poorest of the nation. Jean Michel Lee Shim loves only money and money, derived from betting. He does not care for riders, grooms, owners, trainers and the people of the Republic. hope also that the MTC and MTCSL don’t “butter” Jean Michel Lee Shim for cheap short- term games. earnestly pray that MTC and MTCSL do not leave any stone unturned to know the truth of what happened on the eve of the Maiden day where nails and iron spikes were planted on the race course to kill. Only cowards will not have a sense of honour. Mrs Taslima Valayden

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