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NIM : 213302040155
Exercise: Fill in the blank with correct questions!

1. Q: How many plates of rice do you eat every day?

A: I eat 3 plates of rice every day.

2. Q : How much money do you have?

A: I only have Rp. 100.000,-

3. Q: How many son and dougthter do you have?

A: I have 2 sons and 2 daughter

4. Q: How often john come back to Nias Island?

A: John comes back to Nias island twice a year.

5. Q: How far the hospital from here?

A: The hospital is 700 meters from here.

6. Q : How long does the operation last?

A: The operation lasted or 2 hours.

7. Q: How do you go to campus?

A: I go to campus by motorcycle.

8. Q: What kind of juice do you like?

A: I like orange juice, please.

9. Q: Why do you drink the pills?

A: I drink the pills because I am allergic.

10. Q: What will you do to the patients?

A: I will serve patients in this hospital.

11. Q: Whose prescription is this?

A: This is the man’s prescription.

12. Q : What time is the operation?

A: The operation is at 10 o’clock.

13. Q: Where is the patient now?

A: The patient is at emergency room now.

14. Q : Who does accompany your father in the emergency room?

Medical English, FKK UNPRI


A: My mother accompanied my father in the emergency room.

15. Q : Where do you buy the vitamins?

A: I buy vitamins in the drugstore

Medical English, FKK UNPRI




Reading Comprehension Questions

1. Educating patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and
emotional support to patients and their family members. Registered nurse cardiac nurse pediatric
nurse orthopedic nurse
2. In the hospital, Tina always treats child patients to recover from their illnesses. What is she?

Travel nurse nurse practitioner geriatric nurse nurse manager Pediatric Nurse

3. This type of nurse is highly trained nurse that specializes in assisting with anesthesia during

surgeries. Orthopedic nurse geriatric nurse nurse manager Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

4. This nurse type specializes in the treatment of older patients in order to provide care for

injuries or ailments, illness and maintain their quality of life. Oncology nurse emergency room
nurse surgery nurse geriatric nurse

5. This nurse type specializes in the care of pregnant women. They also assist in labor and

delivery, as well as in prenatal appointments. Mental nurse geriatric nurse emergency room nurse
maternity nurse

6. This type of nurse manages the tools for operations, and apply bandages during surgeries to

control and maintain the bleeding of a patient. They are responsible for providing physical,

emotional or mental care for women before, during, or after the birthing process. Travel nurse
surgical nurse geriatric nurse nurse manager

7. This type of nurse is placed at Hospitals, Surgical Centers and Outpatient Facilities in which

their duties are of a supervisory clinical path. Nurse manager geriatric nurse emergency room
nurse maternity nurse

8. This nurse type focuses on musculoskeletal issues and diseases that include fractured bones,

arthritis, joint replacements and osteoporosis. They can help care for physical issues, as well

as intricate disease management. Orthopedic nurse geriatric nurse nurse manager Certified
Registered Nurse Anesthetist

9. This type of nurse is responsible for teaching nursing students about caring for patients.

They may teach comprehensive lessons about nursing in general, or focus on specific areas

of nursing. Mental nurse geriatric nurse nurse educator maternity nurse

10. This type of nurse performs an array of tasks after careful evaluation and stabilization of a

patient. They are expected to determine proper medication administration by reviewing a

patient’s medical charts, as well tend to basic wounds or ailments. Mental nurse geriatric nurse
emergency room nurse maternity nurse.

11. Most registered nurses work in a team with physicians and other health care specialists

The underlined words can be asked with ____ Who whose whom which

12. This type of nurse is placed at Hospitals, Surgical Centers and Outpatient Facilities

The underlined words can be asked with ____ Who where how which
Medical English, FKK UNPRI

13. A: _______________ nurses help doctors in the hospital?

B. Yes, nurses help doctors to treat patients.

When which why Do

14. ‘Merawat pasien’ is translated as _________

Treat patients prescribe patients refer patients examine patients

15. Do travel nurses always move from one place to another?

Yes, they did no, they did not yes, they are yes, they do

Medical English, FKK UNPRI



50 English Phrase
1. How is it going?
2. Long Time no see!
3. What have you been up to ?
4. Can’t complain.
5. How do you know?
6. Than’s a good one
7. It’s very kind of you!
8. Thank you any way!
9. Thank you in advance !
10. No worries!
11. What’s going on ?
12. Dit I get you right?
13. Don’t take it to heart ?
14. I didn’t catch the last word.
15. Sorry I wasn’t listening.
16. It doesn’t matter
17. Fingers crossed!
18. Oh that. That explains it
19. Things happen
20. Sorry to bother you
21. I’II be with you in a minute
22. Where were we
23. You were saying ?
24. Lucky you ?
25. I freaked out!
26. Good for you!
27. You’ve got to be kidding me ?
28. Cheer up!
29. Come on. You can do it!
30. Keep up the good work!
31. That’s lit!
32. There you go!
33. Not a bit!
34. There is no room for doubt
35. I’II text you!
36. Its not worth it!
37. You rock!
38. You should go the exstra mile...
39. Step up your game
40. Pull your self together
41. You sold me!
42. Couldn’t care less
43. This is a no-brainer
44. I sorewed up!
45. Can you cover me?
46. I’d better be going
47. Take care!
48. Thank heavens it’s Friday!

Medical English, FKK UNPRI


Topik 10.
Talking about medicine


Instructions: Choose one medicine/pill/tablet/vitamin and write questions and answer by

following the questions guide.

1. Apa nama obat itu?

What is the name of the medicine?
The medicine is mefenamic acid 

2. Untuk apa obat itu?

What is the medicine for?
Obat ini berfungsi untuk meredakan nyeri, seperti sakit gigi, sakit kepala, dan
nyeri haid.
This drug works to relieve pain, such as toothache, headache, and menstrual pain

3. Bagaimana penggunaan obat itu?

How can I use the medicine/pills?
Gunakanlah asam mefenamat sesuai anjuran dokter dan jangan lupa untuk membaca
keterangan pada kemasan sebelum dikonsumsi. Sebaiknya obat dikonsumsi sesudah atau
saat makan untuk mencegah efek samping. 
Use mefenamic acid as recommended by your doctor and don't forget to read the
description on the packaging before consuming it. It is advisable to take the drug after
or during meals to prevent side effects.

4. berapa kali obat itu sebaiknyasayaminumdalam sehari?

How many times should I consume the medicines in a day?
Tujuan: mengatasi nyeri
1. Dewasa: 500 mg untuk dosis pertama, dilanjutkan dengan 250 mg tiap 6 jam selama
7 hari.
2. Anak-anak 14 tahun ke atas: dosis ditentukan oleh dokter.

Tujuan: meredakan nyeri haid

1. Dewasa: 500 mg untuk dosis pertama, dilanjutkan dengan 250 mg setiap 6 jam
selama 2 sampai 3 hari.
2. Anak-anak 14 tahun ke atas: dosis ditentukan oleh dokter.

Dosis obat di atas bisa berubah, tergantung kepada kondisi pasien, tingkat
keparahan rasa sakit, serta respons tubuh terhadap obat.

Goal: relieve pain

1. Adults: 500 mg for the first dose, followed by 250 mg every 6 hours for 7 days.
2. Children 14 years and over: the dose is determined by the doctor.
Medical English, FKK UNPRI

Goal: relieve menstrual pain

1. Adults: 500 mg for the first dose, followed by 250 mg every 6 hours for 2 to 3 days.
2. Children 14 years and over: the dose is determined by the doctor.

The dosage of the above drugs may change, depending on the patient's
condition, the severity of the pain, and the body's response to the drug.

5. Adakah efek samping obat itu?

Are there any side effects of the medicine?
Ada. Jika tidak digunakan sesuai aturan, asam mefenamat berpotensi menimbulkan
beberapa efek samping sepeti dibawah ini:

 Hilang nafsu makan

 Sariawan
 ual dan muntah
 Sakit maag
 Diare
 Gangguan pencernaan
 Ruam pada kulit
 Sakit kepala
 Kelelahan dan mengantuk
 Tinnitus
There is. If not used according to the rules, mefenamic acid has the potential to cause
some of the following side effects:
• Loss of appetite
• Sprue
• nausea and vomiting
• Gastric pains
• Diarrhea
• Indigestion
• Rashes on the skin
• Headache
• Fatigue and sleepiness
• Tinnitus

6. Kepada siapa obat itu diperuntukkan?

Whom is the medicine for?
Untuk orang dewasa dan anak-anak diatas usia 14 tahun keatas.
For adults and children over the age of 14 years and over

7. Berapa lama obat itu biasa digunakan?

How long is this medicine commonly used?
Obat ini umumnya hanya diberikan untuk konsumsi jangka pendek. Pasien disarankan
untuk memeriksakan diri secara rutin ke dokter, terutama jika membutuhkan konsumsi
asam mefenamat untuk jangka panjang.
This drug is generally only given for short-term consumption. Patients are advised to
check with their doctor regularly, especially if they require long-term consumption of
mefenamic acid.

8. Adakah makanan pantangan selama penggunaan obat itu?

Is there any prohibited food during the medicine consumption?
Tidak ada pantangan makan dalam mengkonsumsi obat ini.
There are no dietary restrictions in taking this drug.

9. Apakah obat ini cocok bagi anak-anak dan remaja?

Are the medicines suitable to children and teenagers?
Obat ini hanya di peruntukkan untuk anak-anak usia 14 tahun keatas
This medicine is only intended for children aged 14 years and over

Medical English, FKK UNPRI


10. Bagaimana dampak obat ini pada nafsu makanmu?

How does the pills affect your eating appetite?
Jika tidak diminum sesuai intruksi dokter maka akan memunculkan efek samping hilang
nafsu makan.
If not taken according to the doctor's instructions it will cause side effects of loss of

Medical English, FKK UNPRI


Topik 15. Adjectives 1 0000
Complete the sentences using the adjectives in the box and translate them into
Indonesian. Use each adjective once only. The first one has been done for you
as an example.

Aware.Compatible.confused.delicate. depressed. Hoarse.Hygienic.

inactive.infectious Inoperable. Insanitary. Lethal.
Motionless. Poisonous. Predisposed. Regular. safe Severe.

1. This is a safe painkiller, with no harmful side-effects.

Obat penghilang rasa sakit ini aman, tidak punya efek samping.

2. Some mushrooms are good to eat and some are Poisonous

3. The surgeons are trying to find a donor with a inborn blood group.

4. The surgeon decided that the cancer was Lethal.

5. These fumes are Insanitary if inhaled.

6. The body has an Predisposed tendency to reject transplanted organs.

7. The tests detected Inoperable diabetes mellitus.

8. The serum makes the poison Lethal.

9. A Hoarse outbreak of whooping cough occurred during the winter.

10. Old people can easily become Compatible if they are moved from their homes.

11. Catatonic patients can sit Depressed for hours.

12. Don't touch food with dirty hands: it isn't Hygienic

13. All the members of the family are Severe to vascular diseases.

14. She is not Aware of what is happening around her.

15. The bones of a baby's skull are very Delicate

16. Cholera spread rapidly because of the Insanitary conditions in the town.

17. He was Confused after his exam results.

18. He was advised to make Regular visits to the dentist.

19. This strain of flu is highly Infectious.

20. He became Confused after shouting too much.

Medical English, FKK UNPRI



Complete the sentences by using adverbial clauses! :

1. If you follow the instructions carefully___Who____

2. After the operation was done, ___Whom_______

3. While doctors are operating patients, Whom____

4. Unless the doctors violate medical ethics, _Who___

5. The child was very afraid to get injection, so the nurse______Whose______________

6. If a patient does not have enough money to pay for a treatment, __Whose___________

7. You should not consume fat anymore if __That______

Medical English, FKK UNPRI

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