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abstract term, though it is probably not itself connotative;

kilns was found to be almost invariably arsenical, and there

the mechanical processes which we can experimentally modify at

occurs. This ray, named by Abbe a ``principal ray'' (not to be

some proofs of the genius, industry and erudition of the

Bostra and Paul of Samosata, who undoubtedly influenced

France. Between this mountain chain and its spurs, which

station, and after a period of decline became under the Romans

Bathrotum, Akrolissos and other towns may be identified. The

by King John in the territories of the countship of Albemarle,

rise to the system of latitudinal folding and faulting of the

one time a common practice in answer to an indictment, and was

of which runs through Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to

he began to publish in 1528. Bermannus, sive de re metallica

is celebrated for its cattle, milk, butter and cheese.

point of Meckel's tract, the part of the loop which has

effected about half-past one, at Meriville, 18 leagues from Paris.

Greeks, but since the decipherment of the Rhind papyrus

travels. The foreign influences that thus entered into American

Agriculture, &c., 1901), says: ``In addition to wages the

is wrapped round the neck, shoulders and breast. Sometimes,

Collings. In 1882 the Allotments Extension Act was passed,

father to Europe; studying in Paris in 1778-1779 and at the

place a colony) show the chief temple of the town with two

as regards the question of authorship. As Harnack observes

approximately as the square, the advantage lies with the

to the moving material, by means of the equation KV2 + 2

although not characteristically benefited by nitrogenous

Tombs of the Greek period have mainly been found on the west of

closed and falling to a level of about 1800 ft. above the


enormously strengthened during the latter half of the 19th

invalid visitors, on whom the town largely depends for its

branch, and are required besides to perform engineer duties.

reigns. The sealings of the various officials, of which

III. ETHNOLOGY In attempting a review of the races and

land. Of lime, very little is taken up by the cereal

employment. By excursions into southern Russia, Turkey,

to Bulgaria, Prince Alexander paid visits to the tsar at

1453, when Constantinople fell. It was occupied by the

Stubbs, Chronica Pontificum Ecclesiae Eboracensis, edited by

Naples. Like a true prince of the Renaissance he favoured

resistance that does not alter with change of temperature;

and was rendered still more so by his appointment of a radical

very slight disguise in her novel Nelida (1845). On her

Artemis and Dionysus, consisting of eight and eleven lines

discussing constitutional questions; but he aims many enlivening

a few details of his own; later he is largely independent of

Such are Coleochaete, Ochlochaete, Elachistea, Ascocyclus and

theories respectively evolved the doctrine of individual and

TABLE XXX.--Number of Persons of Ten Years of Age and over in

appointment in 1899, by the president of the Local Government

1905 567,806 40,598,048 268,365 1,687,321

returns were obtained. The numbers of cattle (both fat

the latter the western portion, and each under the control
the plot was discovered and AElfred was sent to Rome to defend

this is attached to the end of the fuze and is so arranged

Boston to Halifax in April 1776, and to convey it to New York in

(2) The aspect of the highlands is most impressive. The

the lead-tin eutectic of fig. 2 (Plate). In the case of steel

while Thomas was shaping his army in rear. Hood manoeuvred

would be the sole object of his life henceforth--a resolution

open parliament, he does so in the House of Lords in full

flesh-forming ones. Hence, as current fattening food-stuffs

included with the carcase. An abundance of lean meat and a

regions, and is abundant at these levels throughout the whole

his theory is now recognized as taking us only a little way

the next August; the following spring, oats or barley were

A person may in certain cases be convicted as an abettor in

States is sixty, and of these fifty-five receive the national

by the entrance of the Revolutionary armies into Florence in

conditions, for the romance in the mere presence of primeval

The pope appointed Allen to a canonry in Courtrai and sent

be found in Justinian's Institutes, lib. i. tit. II.

and the establishment consists, in addition, of a secretary, a

the brothers F. L. and W. D. James penetrated from Berbera

A. High altar. V. School.

showed by refusing to put to death his brother Mustafa, who

expectancy in respect of property, titles or office, when the

Dynasty styles, especially in their adoption of spiraliform

the strength and consequent section required for each member

presence are not wanting as far north as Lake Tanganyika, and

motility in a microscopic preparation in the neighbourhood

Abu is now the summer residence of the governor-general's agent

wide, on the E. side of San Francisco bay, opposite to and

which resembles in character, and in its striking vicissitudes,

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