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proceeded in A.D.

863 to Moravia from Constantinople,

was afterwards made of large proportions and fixed in one

where the agent is Michael, and notice that such legendary

``Accolade'' is also a technical term in music-printing for

convention on the 7th of January 1861 After long debate this

model before the Greek mind having apparently been the goddess

particular interest as the earliest of various settlements in

of L. 30 and L. 10, for a design in monochrome for a figure picture.

substances. Society was organized in most cases on animal

The self-love theory of Hobbes, with its subtle perversions

Pic Gaspard. . . . . . . . . . 12,730 Mourre Froid . . . . . . . . . . .9,830

agriculturists. On the north the district is watered by the

taking refuge for a while with Thurkill's fleet, escaped to

of the stomach shows an approach to the ruminant condition

which usually affect the mind of a contemporary" (Gibbon).

two immediate successors, Ptolemy Philadelphus and Ptolemy

Genoa. Under the empire it was a municpium; an inscription

Fig. 2. -- View of the Ruins of the Pyramid Temple of

separate khanates fell back under the independent rule of

not conscious of his own translatory motion with the earth

arrangement, therefore, was not possible, even if they had

ft.). The Little Atlas, otherwise the Tell or Maritime Atlas,

in material wealth, leading to luxury and worldliness. The

tribes on the S.; leaving Gusinye and Plava to the S.E., it

The ruins of the city wall, now overgrown with jungle, show

besides a large number of ``press'' bulletins, which are

with water, so that it ultimately falls to a very fine

by his prerogative, so as to enable him to communicate an

not cross the Atlantic, and Laurens took little part in the

sale of butter substitutes assumed very large proportions, and

Acastus, to avenge his fancied wrongs, left Peleus asleep

its leading advocate was William Henry Hatch (1833-1896) of

it occurs in chemical literature for some thirty years.

politician. He was private secretary to Mr Chamberlain,

important evidence. The ice moved eastwards off the high

p. 134; H. Winnefeld, Romische Mitteilungen, 1889, 126;

linen, wool, cotton or silk; but silk only is the rule for

taught at West Point and on the Indian frontier to command

to the south of the town, 35 m. W. of Catania. Pop. (1901)

as to the date of Paul's work among the Galatians came to prevail.

contains ingenious and practical proposals for the reform

1880 6,389,232 24,717,092 31,106,324

MVN. Municeps, or municipium; so also MN., MV. and MVNIC.

by making incisions in a number of the balloons, through

1872. The largest number of counties over which thin outbreaks

energy of a recent convert to colonial expansion, and had



Chad. These expeditions and French surveys in the same region

against the converts whom he had taken under his protection,

found a school of natural science for artisans at Bologna.

8. Baths

interbedded with unfossiliferous sandstones and shales. Of

traces of either name or ruins. He remarks, however (Bib.

inevitably rather loosely used in public, in connexion with

Spruche Jesu (Leipzig, 1896); and the article ``Sayings''

old ``Congo empire,'' of which the kingdom of Loango was an

it. Still the foreign trade of Achin, though subject to

(1) A state of disordered consciousness, with analgesia;

in him was a man apart and he jealously guarded his talent in

are two cardiac extensions in the hippopotamus and in the

A number of publications, issued in Germany, from the middle

The great majority of the islands bear evident marks of

the pamphlets, great and small. His political economy

etc. He received first class gold medals at the International

intendant first of Segovia and afterwards of Cordova.

In Reptilia the configuration of the intestinal tract does

5th century some tribes were still living in open villages

national guard, and the archbishop fell, struck by a stray

with. But even in this field the competition of the

novels in general style and method to the poems acknowledged

French monarch was desirous of incorporating a still larger

inevitable (April 8). On the 9th the gallant remnant of the

followed until Brazil decided to occupy Puerto Alonso with a

CHAPANECAN, Chi.; Chinantecan, Oax.; Chontalan, S. Mex.;

provinces: Zeugitana (Carthage), Byzacium (Hadrumetum, now

without opposition. One AElfred, probably a descendant of

Shah, whom he made governor of the Punjab and Sirhind. As his

exhibit unpleasant properties the defect is often ascribed

criterion. A more natural limit is afforded by the presence

gallery by stone doors made of a single slab which can be

as the conservation of force or the indestructibility of

1759 he was appointed assistant physician, and two months

in imitation of Virgil's Georgics. His Opere Toscane

lasted three days and resulted in the foundation of ``The

glance at the facts will suffice to convince us that we do

are clothed, fed and lodged at the expense of the crown;

in course of their manufacture through the use of sulphuric

death on the 5th of February 1902. His wife, Margaret

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