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S + used to + V: đã từng làm …

We had the radio

Wealthy people did = Wealthy people had the radio
= Wealthy people did have the radio.
Do => did | had => have

Have you done your homework?

I finished it yesterday.
 I did finish it yesterday.

I spoke influently 3 languages.

 I did speak … .

1/ Making kite.
2/ Once every two months.
3/ They were always early, trying .. .
4/ Only wealthy people.
5/ Yes, he does. He wished He could go back to that time.

Costume: trang phục

Customs: phong tục

The + adjective

The poor: người nghèo

The wealthy / the rich: người giàu
The old: người lớn tuổi
The young: người trẻ

Consider + adjective: xem là như thế nào đó

Considered important: dc xem là quan trọng
Special for: đặc biệt đối với
Bride: cô dâu
Groom: chú rể
Attend: tham gia
Attendants: người tham gia

Hand-making fan
Banana leaf / wood
K Na Ca Mg Al Zn Fe fe2+ Ni Si Pb (H) Cu Hg Ag Pt Au

Na vào dung dịch muối CuSo4

Na + H20 => Naoh + h2
Naoh + cuso4 => cuoh2 + na2so4

Al + naoh
Fe + fe2(so4)3 => feso4

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