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Anabela Mateus
Abstract. Consumer behavior has always been an algorithm for a company's success. We are in a
transition phase and this is where we stand: the interpretation and opportunity of a more humanized
web, which does not mean the abandonment of technology. If production once dominated its desires,
today, thanks to technological developments and the introduction of recent digital media, a stage has
been reached in which communication and, in particular, Marketing, had to bend before the power
that the current Consumer 5.0 holds. We are at the threshold of Web 5.0, an almost emotional web
but aware of your feelings. Omnichannel Marketing allows a privileged way to fulfill wishes and
emotions, with personalized options to choose from, without the hassle of an exhaustive and
problematic search. The use of online services by companies allows them to show what they have
to offer, in the widest possible way, but simultaneously aimed at the customer they want to reach.
With the Omnichannel strategy, all points of contact with the customer are developed in order to
optimize the relationship between company and customer. In that way, Web 5.0 will return to the
moment when emotion overcame reason, then due to the absence of technological means. With that,
we believe that we will return to a moment of communication essentially human, but now
characterized by the contributions of technology that, naturally, will become an intermediate
medium of human and communicative relationships.

Key words: Omnichannel; Marketing; Consumer Behavior

1 Introduction
In order to find the opportunity and apply a strategy, we start with understanding the inherent concepts and
contextualization of the theme.
In this article we reflect on the experience of channels that promote buying and selling, from a perspective
inserted in the most current concept of Marketing: the Omnichannel strategy. Today Omnichannel assumes
a top role in the field of communication strategies in companies. An integrated communication management
strategy with the construction of a unique organizational message through several communication tools.
In a strategic communication perspective, there is an urgent need for a balanced coordination of the
binomial Digital communication / personalized treatment.
We are at the threshold of Web 5.0, an almost emotional web that is more aware of its feelings. Although
we live in an increasingly digital world, there is a growing importance of the so-called “Consumer
If it is true that over the past 40 years consumer subjugation to the commandments of the Web and
technology has taken place, today we live in an era when the Web has to submit to the demands of
consumers, precisely through the development of digital technology.

2 The consumer of the xx century and technological developments

It cannot be denied that the majority of “offline” shoppers are often influenced by “online” information,
through the large amount of research they do there as well as information that reaches them. The power
acquired through state of the art mobile technologies, and the speed with which information spreads through
the Internet, grant them this facility.
In order to reach this state, there has been an evolution of the concept and practices, from which technology
stands out, which atributes a more decisive status within a company.
As we already understood in 2013, corporate communication channels and tools were directed towards
changes, both internal and external within companies, where technology assumed a prominent position,
while reconciling the simultaneous evolution of the company's different resources, where “People” were

highlighted: “Communication processes have evolved over time as well as the perspectives of analysis. But
the approaches on organizations and its managements well as managing their resources, particularly human,
have also been the target of major changes” (Mateus, 2013).

The marketing strategy in the framework of technological evolution

Technological evolution is considered to be a subject in constant development and susceptible to take varied
directions. As such, it is open to change: paradigms evolve and perspectives take different paths.
The implementation of the internet in the 1990s brought a special impact on the Marketing mix. One of the
main paradigms is the evolution of the 4 P´s to join the 3 C´s of Marketing developed by Robert Lauterborn.
It should be noted that the 4Ps of the marketing mix did not remain unchanged, exactly like the model
created in the 60s, which opened space for a new model of marketing mix, now with the introduction of 3
C´s in the 1990s.
The most striking feature of the 4 C´s of marketing is the fact that it considers the Consumer. That is, if
the 4 P’s used to say a lot about the product and focused little on the customer, the 4 C´s of marketing
emerged to reverse this process.
Under this perspective, the marketing plan is, therefore, conceived differently in relation to what it was the
past, its focus of planning is now directed to the customer. And it is this assumption that Marketing today
has to consider in its performance strategies. With the use of digital instruments, it anticipates consumer
demands. With the advantage of digital instruments in hand, the consumer enters the phase of being able to
demand. Consumers make their choices taking into account the facilities offered by the brand. If you can
save time, travel discomfort and the like, don't hesitate in the buy that offers better conditions. We must
also take into account the fact that most of these products and services are aimed at an economically
privileged audience, which, more than looking for, awaits for the offer to reach them. And if these
conditions are maintained, the customer becomes loyal and the brand has managed to impose itself.
Companies are aware of this and how they can anticipate their stance and outperform the competition. And
one word says it all: digital.
Still, it is to be considered that the 4p’s of marketing continue to be used to explain the preparation of a
good strategy. Changes being the details of each of them and its content.
In technological terms, the internet has changed the entire business landscape. With its arrival, Marketing
is no longer an exclusive activity of large companies, which spent a lot of money on media and billboards
to advertise their products. “The digital age has brought the popularization of social networks and new
forms of relationship” (Patel, s / d). To keep pace with this evolution and think of new ways to attract
consumer attention, digital marketing emerges directed to the cliente and focused on your desires and wants.
“The concept of inbound marketing is fundamental to bringing brands to the consumer. (Peçanha, 2020).
Following this evolution and the phase that we are living today, we tried to explore the Omnichannel
strategy within consumer behavior, in a society that is already known as 5.0.
An approach that is a current strategy with relatively recent use in Portugal, although a tendency to increase
in retail trade in this country, its experiencing and use are much wider in Brazil. That is why most of the
bibliographic sources presented in this article are imported from there.

Omnichannel marketing
The Omnichannel Marketing concept is basically in line with the opinion of several authors. Studies carried
out in Portugal and Brazil opted for the following definition: “Omnichannel is the union of all the means
that connect the customer and the brand, in order to create the possibility of having the same shopping
experience in different channels. (Cunha, 2015); (Rico, 2018); (IMR, 2019).
More recently, Fonseca (2020) presents us with an explanation of the concept that is a little broader and
quite updated, but developed upon the same basis:
“Omnichannel is a strategy of simultaneous and interconnected use of different
communication channels, with the aim of strengthening the relationship between online and
offline, thus improving the customer experience. This retail trend allows the convergence of
the virtual and the physical”.

It works with the support of an integrated team, which is able to follow the different points of contact in
any channel. For the Omnichannel to really work, it is necessary that this network does not differentiate the
channels and be able to deliver the solutions needed by the customer wherever he prefers.

It is considered an Omnichannel store when a company has different points of sale, i.e. physical stores
online, apps and even social networks. Stores are also considered Omnichannel when they are able to serve
their customers on all these fronts without differentiation or duplication, and can continue with a service
that started at the physical store online, for example.
Omnichannel is, in short, the concept of something that is in 'all channels' and these channels are integrated.
The channels of a company can be considered social networks, website, SMS, call center, virtual store and
physical store (when there is one).
The Omnichannel appeared to meet the demand of increasingly digital customers, who demanded faster
responses and in different channels. To always be present and not leave anyone unattended, companies
needed to integrate the various channels, which gave rise to the concept of Omnichannel. As a strategy, it
was created with the aim of shortening the online and offline relationship, in order to increase customer
experience and simplify the search process. “The concept includes thinking of an experience that integrates
all, from physical stores and e-commerce to mobile commerce and social commerce, appropriating the
characteristics of each one” (YURI, 2014, p. 64).
In the blog “Vortice” (2019) we can read: “the consumer 4.0 lives connected to the most diverse
communication channels, so it is essential that the company develops an Omnichannel communication
strategy”. It is the synergistic effect that can make communication more effective or efficient according to
the use of techniques for each situation, but also the strategic option of the channels used. This is therefore,
a challenge for companies to modify the classic concept of Marketing, with the customer as the focus of
the strategy. It results from the logical evolution of the other channels, and places the customer as the center
of the entire process, making the company offer a consistent experience of its brand while creating a
relationship with the consumer.
In view of the digitization and the greater offer of products and services provided by companies, it is up to
communication and marketing to create effective strategies for the intended target audience, to create
contact points and to generate satisfaction and belief on the part of consumers, creating a long-term
relationship with the brand / product or company. “In order to understand and satisfy the consumer's needs,
it is necessary to offer experiences and solutions during different times of using the product or service, as
well as a shopping experience that has value for the consumer” (Carvalho & Campomar, 2014, p. 113).
A good practice in managing the customer experience is to align the service strategy across all the
company's communication channels, whether online or offline, which makes it possible to customize the
service to the needs of each customer and quickly address matters of interest to him - criticism, suggestions,
complaints and praise.
Thus, the Customer's journey becomes successful from the first contact with your company until after
This means a unification of marketing actions, and also of commercial activities through interaction
between the channels, seeking to build a solid and active identity through the integrated and unified
movement of the same proposal. In addition, it allows the company to understand the whole scenario and
the most important factors of operations and processes.
It is a way of facilitating management in the company and providing greater satisfaction to consumers, with
the use of clear, but also fast, processes. In the words of Géneze (2018), it is about concentrating
bureaucracy on a few tasks, directed only at the platform.

Marketing strategies and communication channels

From the development of the variety channels to access companies (telephone sales, websites, social
networks, physical stores, etc.), there was a need to evolve contact with the public and integrate it so that it
became more efficient, giving space for creating the Omnichannel, which globally optimizes a company's
The digital universe brought with it several concepts and strategies present in our daily lives.
The ease that the internet has provided allowed for the development of new Marketing Strategies to serve
its audience at the most appropriate time and place.

The sales funnel and the buyer’s journey

In the marketing universe, the Sales Funnel and the Consumer Journey are great examples used to make
actions much more effective and targeted.
Everything is based on the analysis of customer needs at each stage of the buying and selling process. The
focus is to provide the necessary information to the consumer at the most opportune time.

The sales funnel of the path that the customer takes from first approach until closing deal, also known as
a pipeline, is one of the fundamental concepts for applying Inbound Marketing/Attraction Marketing and
increasing the company's commercial results. It is essential for the Consumer´s journey. From the moment
the consumer becomes aware of a solution sold by a company until the moment he decides to close a deal,
there are many steps and variables involved. Working with a sales funnel allows you to make decisions
related to planning and the entire customer acquisition structure, allowing the marketing and sales areas to
work in an aligned and predictable way, generating more efficiency in the acquisition of customers and
scalability in the process.
Precisely how is the Sales Funnel a base for the Customer´s Journey?
It consists of a set of steps and “triggers” whose objective is to support the purchase journey of the
personas of a given organization. In simple explanation, “a sales funnel is wider at the top and narrower at
the bottom. It is important for the customer's journey because each step of the funnel pushes the most
qualified customers to the next one and leaves aside those who do not fit in their offer” (O'Neil, s/d).
The funnel will allow you to make decisions related to planning and the entire structure of attracting

Fig. 1. The sales funel (Source: SIU (S /D))

Step 1 - Problem / Needs Recognition (TOFU) – Buyer's needs are sought here for different types of
business. It is the stage of the recognition of problems / needs - the top of the funnel (TOFU)

Step 2 - Information search (MOFU) - The strategies used to collect the information tend to vary
according to the size and the Object of the purchase. Various media are used, such as Google (widely used),
social media, forums to obtain recommendations. The aim is to find out more information about possible
solutions to specific needs. A keyword research is done to find out what types of content should be created
for the middle of the funnel (MOFU)

Step 3 - Evaluation of Alternatives (MOFU) - After searching for information, or sometimes, at the same
time as they are made, potential customers begin to compare the alternatives. Here, too, the time spent on
this stage varies acording to the type of purchase you have in mind. It depends a lot on the channels where
you need to look for each type of business.

Step 4 - Purchase decision (BOFU) - The purchase decision is the natural conclusion of the previous three
steps. The potential customer looked for any problems with that company or product, investigated their
options and decided which is the best one to purchase. At this stage, the content of the bottom of the funnel
(BOFU) can help potential customers feel confident about the decision to purchase the product / service.
But there are two main factors that can make purchases difficult at this stage: negative feedback from other
customers and the motivation of the potential to believe and accept that feedback.

Step 5 - Post-purchase behavior (BOFU) - The sales process is not performed just because a purchase
has been made. What happens after the sale is just as important. If these new customers are welcomed, with
personalized attention and all the necessary resources to use the product successfully, they are more likely
to acknowledge to themselves that they have made the right choice. And when they are confident, they are
more likely to convey their satisfaction and recommend their circle of friends the search for sellers and
purchase products. Otherwise, if the buyer is disappointed after the purchase, he is more likely to ask for
refunds, write negative reviews and recommend acquaintances to go shopping with the competition. You
can hardly do anything after that behavior; if, on the contrary, the product is good, it will take upon itself
to avoid this situation and the post-purchase behavior and the image of both the seller and the product is
positive. There are always certain actions that can be taken to facilitate the best post-purchase behavior.
For example, creating FAQ content, facilitating customer support, or requesting feedback on the purchase
process. (Moreira 2020).

The Buyer’s journey

The Customer´s journey is the consumer's complete experience with a company, from the first contact with
the brand to after-sales. This understanding allows organizations to generate value throughout the purchase
process and actively participate in this trajectory, educating the market and its audience


From single channel to omnichannel

One of the changes that has taken place with the technological evolution and adaptation to new processes
is at the level of Buyer’s Jorney.
The mix of Integrated Marketing Communication has changed. Integrated Marketing Communication has
as its foundation the planning of a single strategy for the various existing channels, whose objective is to
maximize the impacts of communication. Integrated communication predicts the construction of a unique
organizational message, through different communication instruments, respecting the characteristics of
each vehicle, but with a unique content. As a result, such a concept can include not only communicative
actions, but also organizational information, fundamental to increasing competitiveness and achieving
productivity goals. (MATEUS, 2013)
Through an Omnichannel strategy, the objective is to consolidate the consumer experience among the
various Touch points with the brand, through traditional channels and online channels.
“The consumer experience is responsible for a large part of customer loyalty. Thus, it is necessary to focus
on the best offer for the buyer, during all stages of the purchase, until the “after-sale” (Duarte s/d).
With the Omnichannel strategy, all points of contact with the customer are developed in order to optimize

Vilaverde (2014), believe that: “in order to capture consumer’s attention, knowledge of technologies and
their application have a preminant role in customer service. The use of technological tools and solutions
can help to improve customer service in every way - from the first contact, until after-sales”.
As Lília defended in 2018: “It seems an obvious idea, but it is more than necessary to “satisfy the cliente
throughout the consumer’s journey”

1 - Single Channel Marketing is basically used by companies that start to develop their marketing strategies
with a single form of communication or sale - digital or not. It is simple to work with, considered obsolete,
but has the advantage of cost and time savings. It may lose position in relation to competitors, especially
indirect ones. (Brazilian Association of Automation Blog s / d) Despite this, we understand that in a
geographically limited location, with few alternatives, it may be a good option for integration.

2 - The use of Multichannel Marketing no longer allows you to have only a single sales or propagation
channel. It refers to the practice of interacting with customers using a combination of indirect and direct
communication channels. People are increasingly interconnected and looking for distinctive platforms and
their networks. The channels are directly related to the profile of consumers and the need for their presence
on platforms and social networks. The more “communication platforms” (Sonda s/d) and relationship
platforms users use, the greater the chances of interacting with people interested in your products and
services. As an example of social networks, there are users who turn to Facebook to interact informally
with their friends, while using linkedin to deal with work matters, while enjoying their leisure time through
Instagram. (Mazeto, 2020). In this sense, the concept of inbound marketing or attraction marketing,
becomes very important. Today, we know that brands that are not present on several of these platforms
have very few possibilities in the face of competition.

3 - Cross Channel Marketing is a specific type of Multichannel. It intends for all its channels to work as a
single entity aiming toward customer satisfaction. The channels complement each other and offer a unique
and relevant relationship experience, which characterizes the Cross Channel strategy. That is, “with the
help of cross channel marketing, you can align all channels to have consistent and unified communication
with the customer” (Gusmão, 2019). As an example, customers buy online, pick up at the physical store, or
request it send by mail. Actions and speeches are in sync across all channels. A “unique discourse
strengthens not only the brand, but also the actions that a company intends to take to stimulate sales, attract
new customers, launch products and overcome its competition (Idem, ibidem). This strategy of maintaining
a close relationship is based on the use of this information, taking the opportunity to leave a good impression
with the customer by demonstrating that he knows what his preferences are, which is the closest place
where a certain product is available, which available discounts you can enjoy, among other information.
These are details that make the customer feel special and want to repeat the experience. In a word, “feel
and stay satisfied…” (Mateus, 2013).
For that, online and offline interactions should not be seen as isolated and independent things, but as aspects
that integrate the same consumer purchase journey.

4 - the benefits of omnichannel marketing – Following the characterization of the Omnichannel Strategy
mentioned above, it should be remembered that this channel is the logical evolution of the other channels,
and places the customer as the center of the whole process, making the company present a consistent
experience of its brand, while establishing a relationship with the consumer. The Omnichannel concept
brings a more evolved perspective of the multichannel. It is a vision of total integration. For the consumer
it does not matter what the means of purchase is but the experience he develops with the brand as a whole.
A good practice in managing the customer experience is to align the service strategy in all communication
channels of the company, whether online or offline. It is precisely an Omnichannel strategy, which makes
it possible to costumize the service to the needs of each client and quickly deal with matters of interest to
him - criticism, suggestions, complaints and compliments.

Thus, the customer's journey becomes successful from their first contact with your company until after
It is in this sense that the creation of an Omnichannel service platform emerges: “It allows a variety of
integrated service channels, which facilitates the view of problems and processes and treats the consumer
with individuality” (Geneze, 2018).

In addition, it allows the company to understand the whole scenario and the most important factors of
operations and processes.
It is a way of facilitating management in the company and providing greater satisfaction to consumers, with
the use of clear, but also fast, processes. In the words of Géneze (2018), it is about “concentrating
bureaucracy on a few tasks, directed only at the platform”.
For retailers, the big challenge is to see all available channels and work in a synergistically and coordinated
form, predicting the integration of processes such as logistics, storage, distribution, customer service,
database and marketing” (Dietrich, 2012).
With a focus on the human being, Kotler considers real consumers to be “advocates” or “ambassadors” of
the brand. A consumer, as a satisfied customer, influences another with the experience he had of the product
and the brand and for this reason he is considered an “advocate” of the brand, the best that a brand can
have. In that sense, with the scientific respect due to him, we decided to quote the recent perspective
presented by him in the book “Marketing 4.0”, published in 2017. In his book, Kotler addresses the change
in consumer behavior, as well as the potential to be “ambassadors”of the brand (in Dieguez, 2017)
“(…) the fact is that due to people being in contact with the internet for 24 hours, the whole
relationship took the form of Digital Communication. The process of searching for product /
service information by customers / consumers, and even the completion of the business has
changed. In most cases it is no longer consumers who go to traditional sales outlets, but the
new distribution channels that seek potential customers through a much closer, faster and more
personalized relationship with digital media, that approach the potential customer. It is a
strategy that through search engines, referral sites, social networks, etc. present knowledge that
allows consumers a choice option that is still influenced by the opinion of colleagues and
friends, who are also users of the same means”.

Large companies are increasingly looking for new growth opportunities, especially with increased
competition. This dispute for market attention is promoting the development of Omnichannel marketing
The benefits obtained with the strategy, both for customers and for companies that invest in these
technologies, aim to offer differentiated experiences:

• the customer is able to buy a product online and pick it up at the physical store;
• the consumer can make a purchase at the physical store and receive promotional emails;
• offer the same service to the public in all media;
• for companies, it is possible to reduce costs through unified management;
• consumers are more likely to be loyal to the brand when the company offers a positive experience.

It is this new perspective which characterizes Marketing 4.0 that presents the necessary strategies to folow
the new industry that links the real and virtual world through technology, which characterizes the behavior
and defines the profile of Consumer 4.0. The new technologies have allowed consumers to search, not in
person but through social networks, the website evaluations or opinions of other buyers of products and
services. Thanks mainly to the technological availabilities it now has, Consumer 4.0 is a demanding person,
expects increasingly faster and more assertive services, needs good quality of service (Vitorello, 2019);
(Geneze, 2018); (Cestari Junior, 2016).
Hence the company's priority with the Consumer’s journey, and the need to know it in depth. Today the
customer is more demanding. Desires a personalized, consistent and fluid experience throughout his
journey, regardless of the channel he is using.
Technology transforms customers' interaction with companies, as well as their expectations and the way
companies offer their products or services. In this sense, the "use of secure, scalable and easy-to-use
technological solutions are essential for the success of the Omnichannel strategy." (Maia, 2019)


In days gone by, with the emergence of e-commerce, there was some difficulty in transporting business to
the digital world, now it is about adapting both worlds (digital and physical) and the distribution channels
on which they depend. A single objective, to standardize all the information present in the different
channels, so that in this way customers can benefit widely from that connection and from the sharing of

data (theirs, the company and the products) that will result in greater cohesion, capable of providing the
best shopping experience their customers will ever have.


The modern consumer is searching for an experience that goes beyond the solution offered and, often, does
not even realize that he has a problem. That's exactly where Content Marketing comes in. (Rocha, s/d)
One of the biggest references in this theme, Copyblogger (Stoddart, 2019) defines the concept as follows:
“Content marketing means creating and sharing valuable, free content to attract and convert potential
consumers into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is related to
what you sell ”.
It means that you are educating people so that they know, like and trust enough to do business with you.
We could say that, as a sumarised definition, “Content Marketing”, “is the production of interesting and
provocative content to win over the customer” (Peçanha, 2020).
Content marketing will play with two crucial aspects to impose itself in the market and have the best sales.
Firstly, the quality of the content presented and then with the gradual and indirect persuasion that prompts
in the client.
It produces valuable content when talking about the public's interests, about relevant themes, that they
cause. The form it takes is notoriously strategic because it leads the consumer to search for the brand
through small steps that lets him “be enchanted” with its content while he tells stories. It produces valuable
content when talking about the public's interests, about relevant themes, that they insite. Content marketing
generates credibility, increases your sales and creates passionate customers for your brand. Quality content
that strengthens the relationship with customers, strengthening your brand and generating sales. And little
by little it imposes itself on the market due to the fame it has been generating through the content presented.
Indirectly it imposes itself before the competitors, since its content is more remembered by the customers
who make the purchase.
To be effective, most important of all, is to understand that the consumer needs to perceive a value in the
content that is offered to him. What can never be missing from the content recipe is empathy, as this is
what brings the potential customer closer to the content of the product. Although it is a strategy that needs
time to bring out results, content marketing is effective when it leads the customer to purchase, instead of
directly pushing towards it. It is in this sense that a relationship with Inbound Marketing is found, that we
mentioned above. Although with different methods the concepts coincide.
Research indicates that 72% claim that social media posts are the main content format consumed in the
Content Marketing strategy. (Rocha 2, s/d)


The Marketing concept is still presented today, based on the fundamentals created by Jerome McCarthy
and disseminated by Philip Kotler, considered the Marketing guru (Dias, 2020). The concept has gained
major importance among most Marketing scholars and practitioners and in the evolution of the adapted
strategy over time.
Although it has remained essentially the same, social, cultural and technological changes must be
considered. The activity needed to keep adapting promotion and distribution techniques, where the channels
used were of particular relevancy to relate to the different stages of evolution. Even so, since 1960, the 4p’s
of marketing continue to be used to explain the construction of a good strategy. What changes are the details
of each of them and their content. Much of the strategy of today's companies is to integrate a wide range of
distribution channels, whether physical or virtual. The business will depend to a great extent on that same
network, which must be developed adapting the needs of consumers with the technology that is available
daily. So, whatever the strategy, it will only be efficient and complete when talking about Omnichannel
(Saraiva; 2014). If the concept of “Omnichannel” is “single channel” - through which the customer
establishes meeting points with the service, whether through the physical store, call center, website, blog,
catalog, among others - the truth is that this uniqueness is not always perceived as such by consumers
(Forbes; 2014).
When a company is able to offer its channels in an integrated manner, the chances of remembering the
brand and generating more sales are greater, as the number of loyal customers is even greater. The more
integrated your communication is, the lesser the chances of a customer perceiving differences between a

company's services in different media. This makes his purchase even more differentiated, raising his
confidence about the brand.
AMA (American Marketing Association) defines the activity as a “set of institutions and processes to
create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers, partners and society in
general” (Patel, s / d). Based on this same assumption, we can agree with Castro (2007) who views
Marketing Communication as follows:
“Marketing communication sets out from the realization that the simultaneous and convergent
use of various communication techniques will produce better results together than uncoordinated
efforts, as each communication technique has its advantages and disadvantages, so its suitability
for each task in the specific situation must be weighed” (Castro, 2007).

It is the synergistic effect that can make communication more effective or efficient according to the use of
techniques for each situation, but also the strategic option of the channels used. Also according to Castro
(2007), "since the first commercial dealings emerged, man understood that, without a good dose of
persuasion, he would hardly reach his goals". And nothing better to fulfill this intention than "the use of an
Integrated Marketing strategy" (Dias, 2020). Regardless of the techniques used, we understand that it will
all come down to two words: Conquer and Retain the customer.
“The consumer experience is responsible for a large part of customer loyalty. Thus, it is necessary to focus
on the best offer for the buyer, during all stages of the purchase, up to the after-sale” Duarte (s / d).
With the Omnichannel strategy, all points of contact with the customer are developed in order to optimize
Investing in a better experience for customers provides several benefits. After all, all that effort is aimed at
making them more satisfied: when they feel more fulfilled, the business gains more chances to improve:
• “the services offered;
• The sales;
• the loyalty process;
• and the brand image ”. (Fonseca, 2020)


According to Thoma (2010) "Today more than ever, the emergence of a new kind of consumer is evident".
Thoma said that (2010). These are individuals always informed, linked to new technologies, sophisticated,
and very aware of the method for selecting and purchasing their goods or services. “Product information is
acquired through the different means at your disposal, from physical stores to mobile devices such as
smartphones or tablets, through call center services, catalog or the already common use of the web, but now
simultaneously, contrary to what had been happening with multichannel commerce” (Siqueira, 2020).
When organizations maintain a close relationship with their customers, capable of capturing accurate
information about their behavior and preferences during their shopping experience, it becomes easier to
provide an increasingly positive experience. In the Omnichannel, there must be a concern to keep this same
satisfaction coherent through all interconnected channels. For Thoma (2010),
"This change in the type of relationship with consumers will be constantly being reinvented,
given that solutions capable of enhancing this mode of relationship will continue to be
developed taking into account the growing level of demand from current consumers".

A wide range of companies starting to emerge, focusing on the problem of how to manage the relationship
between customers and brands throughout all these channels simultaneously. For this, it is necessary to
adapt its positioning, based on the unified management of the platforms, never losing its focus, customer
satisfaction, always offering him the best possible shopping experience (Primati; 2015). Regarding the
potential of the Omnichannel client, the results are visible. The fact that this type of consumer is always up
to date with trends, either of brands to which they are and have always been loyal to, or of others suggested
by friends or acquaintances, results in a constant sharing of information. If they are positive, they will
certainly influence more buyers, hence the justification for betting on this type of consumer (Valentine;


An analysis of the consumer behavior profile of Buyer Persona in Portugal, led Almeida (2019) to some
conclusions which we summarize here:

• In general, the Portuguese adult and senior consumer is very conservative and, therefore, in some products
or services he still prefers to go to physical stores, especially if the nature of the business is relational.

• Examples of products and services highly sought after on offline channels, by Portuguese buyer personas
over the age of 50, are:
- Financial products (prefer to physically go to their branche)
- Supermarkets, convenience stores, fishmongers, butchers, coffee shops and restaurants (because
they are highly relational and “neighborhood”, because it has been a routine for many years and because
they understand that they are better served);
- Household appliances and technology (like to go to stores where they watch the product and get
personalized advice in the act of pre-sale);
- Car stands (motor vehicles are, in general, purchased offline, largely due to their perception of
risk and high involvement);
- Numerous other products and services fit this buyer persona profile well.

• What still happens to a large percentage of consumers is that they go to their store to see or touch the
product and get personalized help. Then, already at home and decided on the purchase (because they liked
what they saw), they compare prices on various digital platforms such as e-commerce stores or online
marketplaces (such as Amazon or Ebay) and make the cheaper and more convenient online purchase.

Ferreira (2018) also states that:

In 2018, a study conducted by the Institute Marketing Reseacrh came, at the Retail Innovations Conference
2018, to demonstrate that “most Portuguese people still make their purchases exclusively in physical stores,
however, there is a significant part that simultaneously also buys online”.

Burke (2020) contributes with his interpretation:

“Portuguese companies are still not advanced in view of the trend towards decentralization of service
provision. Although we have some examples in the national territory of how they should adapt to the new
behaviors and needs of their consumers, the reality is that more than simple efforts are needed so that the
vast majority of companies / organizations are able to overcome obstacles to the implementation of an
Omnichannel strategy”. However, he mentions that “the Internet has undoubtedly been one of the
innovations that brought more changes to retail, as such, some areas that will have to adapt to these same
challenges are registered”


Although we live in na ever increasing digital world, there is a growing importance of the so-called
Consumer Experience. It cannot be denied that the majority of offline shoppers are often influenced by
online information, by the large amount of research they do there and information that reaches them. The
power it acquires with the potential of mobile technologies, and the speed with which information spreads
through the Internet, grant it this facility. We are in a transition phase and this is where we settle: the
interpretation and opportunity of a more humanized web, which does not mean abandoning technology. In
a strategic communication perspective, there is an urgent need for a balanced coordination of the binomial
Digital communication / Personalized treatment. We are on the threshold of Web 5.0, an almost emotional
web that is more aware of your feelings. If it is true that over the past 40 years consumer subjugation to the
commandments of the Web and technology has taken place, today we live in an era where the Web has to
submit to the imperatives of consumers, precisely through the development of digital technology; If it is
possible to “personalize” interactions to create experiences that move users, Web 5.0 will undoubtedly be
more affable than its predecessors. And more manipulative, too. Web 5.0 will address the (emotional)
interaction between humans and computers. With Web 5.0, the next management challenge will be to truly
adapt interactions to create rich and emotionally resonant experiences for users.
Although it is necessary to consider the great approach of citizens' interests through virtual social networks,
the fact is that there has been a personalized distancing from individuals. Most people, especially up to the
age of forty, become part of a technological structure where the virtual commands the emotions of their
lives. It is not uncommon for people to communicate within the same house, through computers or tablets,
passing messages received from outside among themselves. It is a verifiable trend nowadays.

But virtual reality makes you think and not everything is predictable. In fact, with the use of virtual media,
digital rules. However, due to the trend observed in the last 20 years, we believe today in the possibility of
Communication presenting their users with different options, with the possibility of more personalized and
emotional choices. With the use of social networks that intersect with the knowledge obtained by the
indespensable virtual and traditional Communication, and the relationships that are intrinsic to them, hope
reigns in the personalized relationship in response to the new demands of individuals. The idea is to
contribute feelings and emotions to interactions.
And it is this assumption that Marketing today has to consider in its performance strategies. With the use
of digital instruments, it anticipates consumer demands. For its part, the consumer, with the advantage of
digital instruments in hand, enters the phase of being able to demand. Consumers make their choices taking
into account the facilities offered by the brand. If they can save time, travel discomfort and the like, they
don't hesitate to buy that which offers better conditions. In fact, with the supply of distinct means,
everything indicates that it will be possible for human beings to make their choices based on their senses,
desires and emotions; everything leads to the creation of a set of opportunities that will allow an emotional
approach between human beings. And we must take into account the fact that most of these products and
services are aimed at an economically privileged public, which more than looks for, waits for the offer to
reach them directly. And if these conditions are maintained, the customer becomes loyal and the brand has
managed to impose itself. Companies are aware of that and of how they can anticipate their stance and
outrun the competition. And one word says it all: digital. At an individual level, adherence is still seen with
some reluctance, mainly by Generations X and Y. Although they use digital media to gather more
immediate information, trust is rarely sufficient to purchase a product without touching it.
The companies’ use of online services allows them to show what they have to offer, in the widest possible
way, but simultaneously aimed at the customer they want to reach. Anticipating the belief that philosophy
5.0 of the next era emphasizes the importance of emotions against a totally rational relationship through
digital technologies, the expected deductive reasoning will be shaken by the implicit resources of that same
era. In this way, Web 5.0 will return to the moment when emotion overcame reason, but then due to the
absence of technological means.
So being, we believe that we will return to a moment of communication essentially human, but now
characterized by the contributions of technology which, eventually, will become an intermediate medium
in human and communicative relationships. With it, we believe today that we are going back to a moment
of essentially human communication, but now characterized by the contributions of technology that,
eventually, will become an intermediate medium in human communication.
Basically, it is a privileged way of fulfilling desires and emotions, with personalized options to choose
from, without the hassle of an exhaustive and problematic search.
And this is where the use of channels simultaneously make a difference in a single strategy to captivate
your Persona. It is the new strategy of the Omnichannel solution of the Web 5.0 era that is already entering
the door.
We can thus conclude that consumer 5.0 has very particular characteristics, behaviors and benefits, taking
advantage of technological developments and the implantation of digital in society.
One of the most significant situations is the fact that you don't have to follow schedules. Thanks to the
mobility provided by the internet and digital media, you may not be conditioned to fixed and inflexible
situations of action. It manages to overcome the limitation to traditional commerce, avoiding queues for
purchases at more congested moments such as Christmas, for example (Danielle et al, 2017). Through
online means you can buy any product you want, not forgeting access to almost any service: you can book
holidays, trips, restaurants and others as long as you have access to the internet. An example that we would
not like to be able to present is the very significant and very painful moment that is currently going on (1st
semester of 2020) with the crisis that is plaguing the world society and that confines people almost
exclusively to their homes, as a result of the outbreak de Covid 19. In many areas of social life it is the only
way to live together and overcome moments of crisis. At the moment, the internet is one of the few
alternatives to the pursuit of studies with the use of technological means that allow students not to leave
home. Also at an economic level, there are many types of work that would be totally impossible to be
performed without the use of telework. And other transactions completely impossible to accomplish in
society and among the people who live in it. These are very convenient examples, due to the gravity of the
current situation. This does not prevent us from being a little more optimistic, believing in the possibility
and still positive developments in the examples that we initially presented, which “allow a well-being to

the consumer 5.0 with the freedom to be able to acquire what he wants, at the time he wants and through
the channel that please him the most (Danielle et al, 2017).


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