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Biology Exam Yousef Wardat.

Q1 a) i. B

b) B

c) i. The rate of reaction depends on the number of substrate molecules colliding with enzyme
molecules. If the number of substrate molecules increases, the rate of reaction will increase because
there will be more collision between the substrate molecules and enzyme molecules, and vice versa.

ii. The answer is 33.333333333 …. Or 100/3

Q2 Venn diagram

DNA Double helix while RNA have single polynuceotide strands

DNA has CG AT while RNA has CG AU

DNA and RNA have different pentose sugar.

Miss I am very sorry but solving a Venn diagram question on Microsoft word is very difficult.


Phosphate Group

Pentose sugar Base

Miss I am very sorry I know this is not that the above answer is not understandable but I don’t have time
to draw, there is only 1 minute left for the exam.

B i. A

ii. B

c. B

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