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STUDENT: _____________________________ | DATE: ___/___/______ | SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE

General Test – Very beginners – THE FIVE

Reading – Use of English – Grammar – Writing – Listening
Type of test Points Specific marks Final score Final Mark
READING ____/10
USE OF ENGLISH ____/10 _____/50
GRAMMAR ____/10
WRITING ____/10 ____%

READING – Read the following text and answer the questions properly.
Three American Festivals
Burning Man

Burning Man is an event that started in 1986 in Black Rock City, Nevada. People go to the desert and build a giant
community for nine days. At the end of the festival, they burn a giant wooden statue of a man. That’s where the name
comes from. The festival celebrates inclusion, community, and responsibility. Everyone should share their talents so
others can enjoy them for free. It is now also very popular with young influencers on social media and other famous

The Taste of Buffalo

The Taste of Buffalo in Buffalo, New York, is the largest 2-day food festival in the country every year. Nearly half a
million people visit the festival to eat food from over 50 restaurants. There are over 200 different dishes to try! Most of
the food is from regional restaurants, and it is a great family event. You can listen to live music from 2 stages, walk
through the parks and downtown as well as participate in a lot of different family-friendly activities.

National Cherry Blossom Festival

The National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. is a spring event that remembers the gift of cherry trees
from Japan to the USA in 1912. The trees were a present from the mayor of Tokyo to the mayor of Washington DC.
The first celebration was in 1934. There is a parade every year with large balloons, marching bands from all over the
country, and concerts. There are also a lot of different shows and events, such as a kite flying festival, a 10-mile run,
and fireworks at night.

Now answer the questions beginning with: What festival …… ____/10

1 celebrates friendship between cities? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.

2 probably isn't a family event? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.

3 attracts people who like doing a lot of different things? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.

4 is the biggest of its kind? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.

5 is mostly a local event? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.

6 is most popular on social media? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.

7 has musicians walking and playing in the street? a. B. M. b. The T. of B. c. The N.C.B.F.
STUDENT: _____________________________ | DATE: ___/___/______ | SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE

USE OF ENGLISH – Choose the right answer.

1 I can't find my keys. I don't know where ____ are. a. it b. them c. they

2 A: "Is he a teacher?" B: "Yes, he _____." a. is b. 's c. does

3 A: "_____ brush your teeth?" B: "Three times a day." a. How often do you b. When you
c. How often are you

4 We _____ have friends over for dinner. a. often don't b. don't often
c. don't never

5 That's _____. It's very expensive. a. Anna's car b. the car of Anna
c. Anna car

6 _____ summer, I get up early _____ Sunday mornings. a. In/in b. At/on c. In/on

7 Please, can you stop making noise? I _____ a book. a. 'm reading b. read c. reading

8 When _____? a. they arrived b. did they arrived

c. did they arrive
9 Does he have _____? a. any sisters b. any sister c. some sisters

10 What _____ tomorrow? a. will you do b. do you do

c. are you going to do

GRAMMAR – Present Simple or Present Continuous? Complete correctly.

Dear Kate,

I1 (write) from New York. This is my second year here. Can you believe it? Right now,

I2 (sit) in a coffee shop in Manhattan. Lots of businesspeople 3 (walk) fast in

the street, and lots of tourists 4 (look) at the amazing buildings around them.

This is a great city. Every morning, I 5 (get up) early and I 6 (go) for a run in

Central Park. Then I 7 (have) some coffee and bagels before going to work. Now

I8 (have) a cappuccino and a bagel in a Starbucks near my office. I 9 (love)

my job, and I'm happy because my business 10 (expand) very quickly.

I hope to see you soon.

Take care,
STUDENT: _____________________________ | DATE: ___/___/______ | SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE

WRITING – Fill in the gaps.

a – dad’s – going – his – in – loves – reading – ‘s got – taller – than - twice

Dear Marta,

I'm 0 going to tell you about my family. I live with my brother, my mum, and my dad. We

live 1 Lincoln, a nice city in the East Midlands region of England.

My 2 name is Albert. He's 51 years old, and he's 3 History teacher. He's medium

height, and he 4 short grey hair and green eyes. He loves 5 books and watching
documentaries about prehistoric times. He doesn't like sports.

My mum's name is Melissa. She's 49 years old. She's a little shorter 6 my dad, and she's got long
brown hair and blue eyes. She is a shop owner. She sells beauty products in a shop near our home.

She 7 swimming. She goes swimming 8 a week.

I've got a twin brother. 9 name's Luke. He's 21 years old, and he's got brown hair, like me. But he

is much 10 than me. He is very big and strong, and he loves playing rugby and going to the gym.
Another very important member of our family is Cooper, our dog. He is ten years old, and we love him!
What about your family?


LISTENING – Choose the right answer for each question.

Listen to five people talking about their plans for this weekend. Match the sentence to the speaker. For
questions 1 to 10, match the sentence to the speaker.

1 Which speaker is going to study this weekend? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

2 Which speaker is going to visit family? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

3 Which speaker hopes to rest this weekend? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

4 Which speaker will see a film this weekend? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

5 Which speaker will go somewhere for food? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

6 Which speaker plans to meet a friend? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

7 Which speaker is going to play a sport? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

8 Which speaker is going to work all weekend? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

9 Which speaker will go for a walk in the countryside? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

10 Which speaker is going to play video games? a. Jason b. Fred c. Sandra d. Susan e. Graham

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