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Official (Closed) - Non Sensitive

Illustrations of different types of persons to observe and investigate based of

different areas of focus

1. Health – focusing on eating habits

Team of four students – 4 different persons’ perspectives
Student 1 – Grandmother (retired)
Student 2 – Mother (working)
Student 3 – Father (Working)
Student 4 – Brother (Secondary school)

Observations and investigations

In summary, you like to uncover through interviews and observations the eating habits of each
of the above 4 types of persons:
1. What and where does this person normally eat – breakfast, lunch, dinner plus others
such as snacks, tea and supper? Probe for details of what was consumed, how regularly
do they eat, with whom do they eat with
2. What does this person like about where he or she normally eats for breakfast, lunch,
dinner and so on? Probe for choices available, nutritional value, quality and taste of
food, time allowed/taken to eat, ambience and environment, cost etc.
3. What does this person do not like about where he or she normally eats for breakfast,
lunch, dinner and so on? Probe for choices available, nutritional value, quality and taste
of food, time allowed/taken to eat, ambience and environment, cost etc.
4. What would this person like to improve? Probe for nutritional value, quality of good,
easy to access, etc.

2. Transport
Team of four students – 4 different persons’ perspectives
Student 1 – Grandmother (retired) takes bus occasionally.
Student 2 – Mother (working) takes a mixture of MRT, bus, and taxi
Student 3 – Father (Working) drives to work
Student 4 – Brother (Secondary school) takes the school bus

Official (Closed) - Non Sensitive

Observations and investigations

In summary, you would like to uncover through interviews and observations the transport
experience of each of the above 4 types of persons:
1. How and what does this person use to commute?
2. What does this person like about his or her mode of commute? Probe smile points –
comfort, duration, value for money, speed, able to observe scenery and people etc.…
3. What does this person do not like about his or her mode of commuting? Probe for pain
points - comfort, duration, cost of usage, speed, environment, fears etc.…
4. What areas would this person like to improve?


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