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Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Day, also called Fireworks, a major

Bonfire Night, celebrated on component of most Guy
November 5, Fawkes Day celebrations,
commemorating the failure of represent the explosives
the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. that were never used by
the plotters. Guards
To celebrate the night, people perform an annual search
across Britain light bonfires, of the Parliament building
burn effigies of Fawkes and set to check for potential
off fireworks. In some parts of arsonists, although it is
the country, celebration last for more ceremonial than
around a month, with multiple serious.
villages participating in parades
The traditional cake and bonfire events
eaten on bonfire
night is Parkin Cake,
a sticky cake
containing a mix of
oatmeal, ginger,
treacle and syrup
Gurău Iadviga

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