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Name: José francisco

Registration: U1903056q0128

I am from the industrial engineering career

I am enrolled in UNIDEG Salvatierra.

When I was very young, I didn't have many friends, but I had one friend and I passed many hours
playing with him, you could say that he was my best friend and my friend's name was José Carlos,
but I nicknamed him Charly. The place where I met my best childhood friend was in preschool as
being in the same classroom and sitting on the same bench brought us even closer. We loved to
play together all day, we were never bored after school, we would go to play at my friend Charly's
house, and the next day after school we would go to my house, so we usually just play, we never
got tired of playing, and I don't remember a fight between us. But one day I had to move and
stopped seeing my dear friend Charly.

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