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To my dear teacher !


a little about me !
Hi, my name is Jhennifer Martins I'm 13 years old, I live with my mother whose name is Jardiene my
stepfather Alex, my aunt Ruane my grandparents Luzinete and Jarde I have a sister of 1 year and 10
months her name is Eloáh I don't have contact with my father Elenilson as he lives in São Paulo. I don't
miss my dad that much because I have enough love from my mom and grandparents.

My goal for the future is to be able to finish my studies, go to college and become a pediatrician, but
maybe that goal can change because I'm only 13 years old and there are several professions that I
might be interested in in the future, but for now my focus is to be a pediatrician.

I'm a Christian I was baptized on 10/01/2022 I go to worship every Sunday, I like to sing in the vocals of
young people I love to feel the presence of GOD... I like to stay indoors all day using my cell phone lying
down eating , I like being able to interact with my friends I don't like to stay in places with a lot of
people, I like to be close only to the closest ones.

this is my biography about me.

Until later…

Jhennifer Martins

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