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Theme paragraph

Judson Webb

Judson Webb induces several ways on what he could have and not done. Judson’s act on being
ruthless lead him to his eventual demise. Judson gets really pompous about nothing going to
happen to them, but eventually Judson act of ruthlessness lead to his own incident that caused
him to die. Even though there was a opportunity to stop what was going to happen to him, he
didn’t take his advice the wife gave him. The theme would be “karma always has a way of
coming back to you”.
Judson webb gets really cruel and ignorant. He has a over controlling personality throughout
the story. “become furious if his belongings were touched by any hand but his own”(1.) This can
indicate Judson gets furious and irritated over his power. He says the law doesn’t indicate
whether he gets to defend his property or not. , "The law doesn’t call it murder if I shoot a thief
who is entering my house by force," which gives an indication that he will do anything he wants
to protect his property. He also acts ignorantly and doesn’t care what will happen to him. . His
wife said, "Don't do it Judson, it's horrible" Explaining her opinion to stop his doing. In
conclusion, Judson behaves very ruthless and ignorant which lead him to his fall.

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