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Crisis Management Plan of

 Paine. K. D. (2002). How to Measure Your Results in a Crisis. The Institute for Public Relations.
 Posey, M. (n.d.). Crisis Communication. PBRL 425. Franklin University.
Crisis history faced by IKEA
 Throughout history IKEA had been accused for
several situations such as Price discrimination
accusation in Canada, Biased branding and
advertising accusations and Horsemeat
meatballs, Child deaths, Operation
scandinavica. However, IKEA could handle all
those situations and survived as a successful
business until today in furniture industry.
Flowchart showing the structure and ownership of IKEA
companies. Parent companies are at the top of the chart.
Flowchart showing the structure and ownership of IKEA companies. Parent companies are at the
top of the chart.
Future Crisis Management
Designed Crisis Management Team
 In case of crisis situation, the Crisis Management Team or
CMT manages the crisis level issues and provides support
through managing potential risks, exposure and protect
stakeholder interests with response to a disaster or event
that is requiring activation of Crisis Management Team.
 Crisis Management Team is responsible analyzing the
situation and draft crisis management plan in order to
protect the reputation of the organization and ensure the
standing of the organization in the industry.
Designed Crisis Management Team

Key roles Team composition

- CEO or Executive responsibility and - Crisis Lead
- Facility management
- Team Leader (could be CEO) ensures the
team is up to date and focused - Public Relations and communication
- Spokesperson, PR, core source of - Corporate security
information, communications and rumor
managing and control - Human resources
- Legal representative to provide legal - Information Technology
guidance, implications of actions
- Risk Management
- Researchers to gather facts and compile
information for position statements - Financial services
Activation process

In case of crisis, activation process should quickly take place. Crisis

Management Team leader would have the right to start activation
alerts in case of crisis situation. In case of crisis inception, there is no
need to wait for more information to start the activation process.
Activation process can be carried out through
 Phone calls
 Bulk e-mails
 Text notifications to personal phones of crisis management team
 E-alerts in collaborative social media groups used for activation
Crisis Management location

 IKEA has been globally spread already into more than 50

countries officially.
 Location for crisis management should be planned according to
geographical location and time zones of its global stores and
 Considering the business model of IKEA, location can not be
limited to geographical location. Location for IKEA can be
operated through Asia, Americas, Europe offices and
depending on the state of situation.
Crisis Management location
 Crisis can be managed online from anywhere thank to
technology development. The most important aspects for those
locations would be having internet connections, telephones, TV,
photocopier, contact lists and key data.
 IKEA’s advantage would be the capacity to manage and
response to the crisis 24/7 from its offices or branches located in
different continents.
 Those locations should have the capacity of
 Real-time response capacity of the location
 Communication capacity of the location to outside world
Clear roles and responsibilities

 Team Leader would assign tasks and review the

 There should be another back up member in case the absence
of the team leader
 Team members should carry out follow up meeting and ensure
everyone is updated in a timely manner
 CMT members should actively manage social media channels
and keep in touch with customers
 Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TV channels, news publications
should be carefully studied and analyzed in order to plan next
crisis management actions and measures.
Contact list

 Hard and soft copies of contact lists of people, organizations and media
channels is very important in case of crisis. In order to take appropriate and
quick actions must have contact lists should be handy and available in any
 The list of contacts in case of crisis would be
 Personal and immediate contact numbers of crisis management team members
reachable 24/7
 Team leaders and their contacts at all branches throughout all the IKEA
business locations
 Contacts and lists of news organizations
 Information of major customers and the channels used by these customers to
receive information
 Major stakeholders

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