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Time I solved a problem

During my childhood, I had volunteered many summers to work at my mothers elementary

school, and due to her knowing my skills and trusting me, as I got older I got placed as working
as a teachers assistant. I have to look after 30 children aged 3-4, and as the minimum
requirment of teachers in a classroom was 2, I had a lot of responsibility as a teenager over
these children as one of the teachers. One afternoon, as the head teacher was taking a lunch
break, I had full authority and management over all the children in the classroom eating lunch. I
had learnt the basic control phrases ‘one two three eyes on me’ or to clap a rhythm for the
students to repeat in order to get their attention, and I was not afraid to raise my voice, so I
knew how to handle an unruly class. However, something happened which I was not prepared
for. A student asked to use the restroom, and I asked if they needed assistance, as many 3
years olds do, and they replied ‘no’ and ran off. 5 minutes later, I got concerned as they were
not back, and quickly left the class to check the bathroom. I found the child standing guiltily by
the toilet door, their pants, and the bathroom floor covered in pee. The child began to cry of
embarassment as I reveled what had happened, and as I could not leave my class unatteneed
any longer I had to think on my feet. I scooped the child up, risking getting my hands dirty, and
brought them back to the classroom. Luckily all of the students were too busy to notice the
students, and I had covered them with a towel while they changed into their spare clothes. No
one was around to look after my students as I went to take care of the toilet, so I had to think on
my feet. I rounded off lunch time, and asked the students to clear up. Eating time is especially
risky with utensils and choking hazards. Once they finished I took them to the class carpet and
put a video on the topic we were learning. Once the students were quiet, I left the door open,
and made the choice to leave the students. I went and cleaned up quickly, listening out for any
noises in the room, and made it back in less than a minute. I think the way you handle situations
in the past and the willingness you have to risk things in order to do a your job and do what you
are responsible for, is crucial to a good worker.

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