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First of all, Sheila need to take a few moment to think that she really want to give up her

supervisor job. These kind of jobs always have really responsibility. Like the word “ With great
powers come great responsibility. ” In thinking of giving up the supervisor job, I want her to think
with The 3P’s rule. That is, does she really positive to her job, like not boring in that job. And, is that
goal it her personal goal or other. But logically, we don’t need to think possible(the last rule of 3P’s
rule) because that job is really possible for her. If the 3P’s rule doesn’t effect on her problems, she
can use another way that called “ The SMART way. ” The first one is “ specific ”, that means is she
really want to do her supervisor job and she can think in this way. The second is the “ measurable ”,
can she measure the goal of her life or is she sailing her life without looking the stars. The third is “
achievable ”, it means don’t make unrealistic goals but we don’t need to think with this fact in this
situation. The fourth one “ relevant ” is the conformable fact for this problem. She need to think
with the fourth one really much because is that what she want. What I mean is the happy one what
she really need. The last one is “ Time ” that what she don’t need to think with. After careful
consideration, she can know what she really want to do .
If she done the consideration, and if she don’t give up of her job, she need to work. Like a
lot. By saying that she need to work, it doesn’t mean that she must work like a mad man. I’m saying
that she need to work smart. When she started her work again, I want her to use “ the Urgent
/Important Matrix. ” By working with this way, she can do most urgent and most important stuffs at
first things that really important for that job and need to hurry up. After the urgent and important
were overed, she can do urgent but not important things. And she can do not urgent but important
stuffs. And then she can do not urgent and not important things. By doing with this “ the
Urgent/Important Matrix ”, she’ll be smooth at her job, get more relaxing time and can be the smart
one who have a smart life. But she really need to careful in relaxing time because when she have so
much free time she can waste these time by doing stupid stuffs. This is what we called “
procrastination. ” So, she need to careful not to be a procrastinator. If I suggest, she need to
management her free time by doing good stuffs for her. Good stuffs what I mean is like reading
books, doing small exercises or some other things that things that get self-improvement for her.
The suggestions what I told above are not how to work, not do what job first and not to
make the boundary. The things what we make in our life is only depend on or life and the advices
what other people tell you won’t effect on your life. What I want to means is the great impact of
your life is the choice what you made.

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