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HASHD 202 and HMHT 201 Presentation Question

Presentations date – Monday 24th October 2022

Developing a Research Proposal
As a group, discuss amongst yourselves relevant topics and research problem,
which can be related to your interest areas. The topic you choose must include some
hybrid phenomena (for example including people and historical records or people
and technologies), and it should give you an opportunity to experience the use of
either qualitative or quantitative research methods of data collection and analysis.
You also need to describe the domain or problem area, purpose statement and
research questions for your study. Then sketch the research plans: who, what,
where, how. As far as possible, describe how you will work with (analyse) the data,
(the theory or core concepts you will use). Show the ethical considerations and
practicalities you need to think through.
NB. There has to be evidence that you worked as a group and each member of the
group should have a section/part that they present.

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