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After eight issues, Gav Thorpe and Ian Pickstock left for White Dwarf and the The

Citadel Journal was

handed over to Gav Tyler, James Funnel and Phil Lowe until issue 12. After that, the magazine was at the
hands of the Mail Order team under Paul Sawyer and his assistant Alex Scott. Most notably, they
introduced "Dok Butcha's Klinik", a showcase for gamer's conversions, which became the longest running
column in the magazine.[1]

With issue 18, the format of the Journal changed: The magazine went down to a pocket sized format
with a higher page count.[1]

After issue 22, Paul Sawyer left the magazine and became the editor of White Dwarf. With issue 23, the
magazine was passed down to the newly formed Black Library and for a while it had no particular editor,
only production staff and various names filled the gap, such as Rick Priestley, Nigel Stillman, Andy
Chambers, Andy Jones and Jervis Johnson. The magazine continued the way it had since issue 18 until
Steve Hambrook took over from issue 30 to 42.[1]

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