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Yeabsira Mokonnen ATE/9596/12

software engineering
1. Accept an integer from a user and convert the integer to a binary number using a stack.
(use python).

 decimalnum = int(input( “ enter an integer: “))

def divby2 (decimalnum):

a= stack ()

while decimalnum >0:

remainder =decimalnum %2
decimalnum =decimalnum // 2

binarynum= “ “
while not a.isempty():
binarynum += str(a.pop())
return binarynum

2. Implement parenthesis matching using stack. (use python)

 open_brackets = ["[","{","("]

closed_brackets = ["]","}",")"]

def check(myStr):
     stack = []
for i in myStr:
         if i in open_brackets:

         elif i in close_brackets:

             pos = close_brackets.index(i)

             if ((len(stack) > 0) and

                (open_brackets[pos] == stack[len(stack)-1])):
                 return "parenthesis doesn’t match"

     if len(stack) == 0:
         return "parenthesis matches"
         return " parenthesis doesn’t match "

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