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SMP NEGERI 20 MEDAN TP. 2021/2022


Apa itu agreement dan disagreement? Agreement itu sendiri sederhananya

dapat kita artikan dengan setuju/kesetujuan/persetujuan, namun pengertian
dari kata persetujuan itu dapat bermakna luas sesuai dengan konteks yang
dibahas. Kata setuju memiliki makna atau konotasi positif karena baik yang
mengeluarkan ide maupun yang menanggapinya memiliki persepsi yang sama
sehingga nol kemungkinan terjadinya konfrontasi.

Adapun kata disagreement dapat diartikan sebagai ketidaksetujuan/tidak

setuju/penolakan. Ini berbanding terbalik dengan agreement, dimana dalam
konteksnya anda akan bertentangan dengan ide atau pendapat yang disodorkan
oleh orang di sekitar anda. Apabila tidak disikapi dengan bijak dan penyampaian
penolakan yang sopan, maka bisa saja mengakibatkan perpecahan kedua belah
pihak. Makanya kata ungkapan disagreement ini biasa juga disebut dengan

Ungkapan Agreement dan Contohnya

Kalimat-kalimat agreement yang sering kita jumpai dan digunakan dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu:

1. I agree

 I agree with your idea (Saya setuju dengan ide kamu)

 I agree that we must go home now (Saya setuju kita harus pulang

 I agree that Real madrid is down since Ronaldo leaves the team ( Saya
sepakat bahwa Real madrid melemah sejak Ronaldo meninggalkan tim)

2. Yeah, I surely do

 Yeah, I surely do that she will come ( Yah, saya yakin dia akan datang)

3. I couldn’t agree more

 I couldn’t agree more! That suggestion is very awesome ( Saya sangat

setuju! Saran itu sangat bagus)

4. I completely agree it.

 It is a briliant idea. I completely agree it (Ide yang sangat brilian. Saya

sangat menyetujuinya)

5. That’s so true

A: You should maintain the yard clean.

B : That’s so true

6. That’s for sure

A: I think you must reduce the trash

B: That’s for sure!

7. You are absolutely right.

A: You should better deposit your money to the bank.

B: You’re absolutely right.

8. Sounds great
A: Hi guys, how about if we make a surprise for Mr. Budi’s birthday?

All : That’s sounds great. Let’s prepare that!

Contoh Percakapan dengan Menggunakan Ungkapan Agreement

Conversation 1

Sinta : Hello friends.

Siti, Dayu, Winda : Hi, Sinta!

Sinta : Dayu, last week you said that we had to talk about some plan. What is

Dayu : Oh.. actually, it is about our classroom park. We need to plant some
flower. How’s everyone ?

Sinta : That’s sound great!

Conversation 2

Yogi : Bro, look at my new Notebook, isn’t it very slims?

Faris : Yeah, I absolutely agree with you. This notebook is very slim. It is very
easy to bring it anywhere, it must has an expensive cost.

Ungkapan disagreement yang biasa kita jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

1. I disagree

 I disagree with that policy ( Saya tidak setuju dengan peraturan tersebut)

 I disagree with you ( Saya tidak sepakat denganmu)

2. I totally disagree

 I totally disagree with that plan! ( saya sangat tidak setuju dengan

rencana tersebut)

3. I don’t think so
A: You should better deposit your money to the bank.

B: I don’t think so.

4. No, I am not sure about that.

A : Do you think Barcelona will win against Juventus?

B : No, I am not sure about that.

5. I’d say the exact opposite

6. That’s not always true

Contoh Percakapan dengan Menggunakan Ungkapan Disagreement

Conversation 1

Rudi : What do you think about this novel?

Alex  : I think this novel is quite good.

Rudi : I’d say the exact opposite. The story in this novel is so flat. There is no
surprise in the story.

Conversation 2

Dono: hi guys !

Kasino: hi Dono !

Indro: hi Dono and Kasino !

Kadir: hi All !

Dono: hey, Kasino, yesterday you said that we would have to discuss a great
plan today. What’s that?

Kadir: I’m so curious to know about it. Please tell us.

Indro: yeah, tell us about it now

Kasino: Ok, it’s actually about our park. I need to make our park more green. Do
you agree?

Dono: Yes i do. I agree with you.

Indro: I am not sure, I am afraid that our class advisor will be angry with us if we
don’t ask her first.

Kasino: how about you, Kadir?

Kadir: I agree up to a point, but I think what was said by Indro is right. We have
to discuss it not only with our class advisor but also with our classmates.

Kasino: Yeah that’s right, I think that it is good idea but I am not confident
enough to present this idea in the class.

Indro: Really? Hmm let me do it and everyone must agree with me hehehe

Dono: No, no, no! No need to be arrogant please. I disagree with you. We must
also hear our classmate’s opinion.

Kasino: Yeah, that’s right.

Indro: Ok no problem.

Kadir: What a great plan, let’s make it real as soon as possible!

Kasino: Ok!

Indro: Right now?

Dono: Of course now!


Make a conversations of 5 person/speakers using expression of agreement and




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