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Entrepreneur-is defined as someone who has the ability and desire to establish, administer
and succeed in a startup venture along with risk entitled to it, to make profits. The best
example of entrepreneurship is the starting of a new business venture.

2. Differentiate the term, entrapreneuship’ from ‘entrepreneuship

Entrepreneurship is a process which gives shape to the idea. Entrepreneurship is an
activity which an entrepreneur undertakes to start a business.

3. What do you understand by the term, ‘copreneurs’?

Copreneurs are married couples or life Partners who jointly own and operate business
organizations or who otherwise share responsibility, risk, ownership, and management
by working together in any phase of a business venture

4 . Mention any seven requirements for a copreneur to be successful

1. Clear boundaries and well differentiated roles;
2. Good and effective communication.
3. Be flexible
4. A solid business plan.
5. Atrong focus

5. Differentiate a business man from an entrepreneur.

A businessman is someone who sets up a business with an existing idea offering products and
services to the customers. An entrepreneur is a person who starts an enterprise with a new idea
or concept, undertaking commercial activities.

6. Mention any eight General Entrepreneurship Tendencies (GETs) of an entrepreneur

I. Strong sense of independence and autonomous behaviour

II. Strong sense of ownership behaviour

III. Aggressive behaviour

iv. Determined/Perseverance behavior

v. Hard working behavior

Vi. Pro-active behavior

Vii. Strong action orientation behaviour

Vii. Ability to consolidate resources

7. Outline any seven ways of developing/acquiring General Entrepreneurship Tendencies

Set long-term goals

 Connect with other entrepreneurs

 Solve your own problems before seeking help
 Be proud/feel good about yourself and your work
 Observe others and copy – but don’t be a copycat
 Experiment
 Realize that there may be more than one answer
 See mistakes and failures as mere pit stops on the way to success
 Keep your learning active

8. Mention the main three classes of skills required in entrepreneurship

 Technical skills,
 Business management skills
 Personal entrepreneurial skills

9. Mention Requirements for a successful copreneurship

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