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Synopsis ep 7

Alexandra and Robbie are at his house, listening to music. Richard and Marlyn gave
Robbie Walkman as a birthday present. Alexandra likes it very much. She also
admires the Stewarts family. But it reminds her of her family and she becomes sad.
The Molinas must be a lovely family and is kind to her, but she misses hers. So,
Robbie suggests going out for a cheeseburger, he thinks it will cheer up Alexandra.
They hear a strange sound just as they were about to leave. It is a dog barking and it’s
just behind the door. When Robbie opened it, he sees a springer spaniel in front of
him. He lets the dog into the house, her name is Gemma and she belongs to the
Levinsons. Alexandra also finds their phone number on the collar, but when they try
calling, they find out that the it is no longer in service.
After a while, they feed the dog in the kitchen. Robbie suggests finding the dog’s
owners with the help of the ASPCA. Once they helped the Stewarts with a cat that
got stuck in the branches of the tree. Therefore, he calls and finds out their work
schedule. He also says that he is ready to adopt Gemma if her owners are not found.
They take the dog to the shelter. There they are met by the director, Linda Aborn. She
asks for some of Robbie's personal details and learns how they found Gemma.
Robbie asks to notify him if the dog’s owners is not found. He also asks how he can
adopt the dog. Linda says it's easy. First, he needs to bring some references from his
friends, teachers, or else. Since the workers of the shelter need to know about his
personal qualities. Then he has to present his family background and his history with
animals. He immediately tells about his pets and why he wants to take Gemma. But
given that he is under twenty-one, Robbie will have to bring his parents and they
must sign for him.
They go to a restaurant after visiting the shelter. Alexandra is worried about the dog,
but Robbie assures her that everything will be fine. Then they order food and
continue talking about the shelter. Robbie offers to listen to his new tapes after
They're dancing at the Stewart house later that night when the phone rings. This is
Linda and she calls to inform that Gemma's owners have been found and now Robbie
will not be able to adopt her. But she says that he can take another animal if he wants.
They are happy for the dog and continue to dance.

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