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15 Tlaxcala San Martin Avenue

San Diego Xocoyucan, Tlaxcala

October 28, 2019

27 Tlaxcala San Martin Avenue

San Diego Xocoyucan, Tlaxcala

Dear President

My team and I practice basketball in the park. For the past several months, I have noticed some
teenagers skateboarding in the park, I know it’s not a bad hobby but those teenagers cause
damages. First, you can’t plays basketball or soccer because they put their instruments to practice
it on the court. Second, you can’t have a quiet conversation with someone because they also use
the beanches to do tricks with their skateboards, even there are occasions where they destroy
them. Third, there is a church near the park, it has already been painted and as you can see there
are some parts near the church’s door where they have started to strip practicing. Finally, after
they finishes practicing they start smoking weed and littering.
Could you please talk to them about those problems I have already written and look for a
Your helping keep out park peaceful and clean would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely Albert Martinez Roldan

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