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The ever changing practice of talent management has become an integral part of business, not

just recruiting but it’s impacted the business as a whole.

I’m delighted to announce that I just took a course Modern 21st Century Talent Management by
Josh Bersin !

While i’m still got a lot to re-learn about the course here’s some subject that i take interest into :

Finding the right candidates

“ We have the wrong person in the wrong job “ or “ we hired the wrong person or the person we
hired wasn’t the right person at that particular time “

But before that “ why would somebody come to work for you ? “

“ Will I learn something from this job or will this job take me somewhere ? “

There are a whole variety of reasons somebody would select the job. People with high potential,
people who want to achieve more, people who are at the pinnacle of their career tend to ask
these questions about the company they want to work with. We have to make it clear that these
opportunities are available and to make this opportunity available.

“ Will I be able to work with or meet the right people in order as an individual to succeed ? “

Young workforce in this era tend to crave something beyond just a profit, they want to make an
impact, i know this sound cliche but is the truth. Your company have to make it understood
about the leadership program that you have and to delivered it accordingly to the employer.

Performance Management

- The old vs New

Up to 70 % of companies are now adopting continuous performance management, like

changing from annual goal setting to quarterly goal setting. For example, is your January goal
this year still relevant this November ? Probably yes there is, but only a little part of it, don’t
forget the development of globalization is moving faster in those 11 months.

- Development as core not as an afterthought

If you know your manager is constantly judging you and all they’re going to do is assess you,
you’re not going to have a great relationship with that person. But if you believe that person’s
job is to make you more successful and to help you contribute to the organization you’re gonna
much more highly engaged feeling about working in that company
Performance Review

The issue in performance review organizations is the process will take too long to finish. And on
average a manager spends 10 or 20 hours per employee per year just on the end of year

And the feedback from employees also is not very good.

So how to fix it ? get rid of the annual number. Employees now receive feedback from their
leaders on a predictable basis. The manager is expected to and still required to do this, but
they’re not forced or ranked or rated by a numeric number instead they receive a flexible and
genuine feedback.

While also I'm open to discussions for our services check it out : or
freely if you want to discuss further you can DM me or drop a comment below for discussions !

Thank you and have a great day !

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