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UNITEC Campus en Línea

Hernández Hernández Alma Daniella

Matricula 340009980

Phonetic Principles

June 10 of 2022

Why is important to use phonetic transcription in learning English?

To help with the correct pronunciation of words, this become a method for making pronunciation clear; especially is
cases where a student can’t pronounce or confused by certain syllables, or vowel sounds.

What is a Phoneme?

Is the smallest unit of speech distinguishing one word from another, which help us to identify the functions and
difference between a single sound, they represent the most common sounds used in speech. Also, a phoneme is
tied to the meaning of a word.

What are “minimal pairs”?

This term refers to the smallest form of a word, these couplets consist of two words in which only one individual
sound — or phoneme — in the words differs. Examples may include words with different starting or ending letters
that are otherwise the same; as well as small spelling differences in words, create most minimal pairs.

Example: ‘pen’ and ‘pin’ 

Transcribe whit IPA

In Britain and around the world / the (?) of the family can’t (?) the (?) / the traditional Victorian family / In which the
man was the bread winner / The woman was the home maker / and the children (?) and obedient / is giving wise
(?) about the modern family should look like /

English Language and Culture Blog. (2022). 20 Minimal Pairs in English. 10 de junio del 2022, de Enux Education
Limited Sitio web:

David Newmonic . (2013 - 2016). Minimal Pairs Theory . 10 de Junio del 2022, de David Newmonic Language
Resources Sitio web:

studysmarter. Phoneme. 10 de junio del 2022, de studysmarter Sitio web:

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