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The authors present various young people who have been victims of cyber bullying and many quotes
from their relatives as well as from scientists who deal with cyber bullying to bring out the dark side
of the internet.

As an example and also the main theme of this article in the Washington Post, the authors use 18
year old Tyler Clementi, who took his life through his classmates who published his sexual orientation
and a video of his sex life (11.10-26). Megan Meler (ll. 33-39) and Alexis Pilkington (ll. 40-43) also
mention the authors in the course of the text, who were also victims of harassment and hateful news
on the internet. In addition, the authors name facts that have been found out by the associated
press. According to the associated press, 12 deaths due to cyber bullying have been found in the US
since 2003 and in most cases they were young people aged 11-18 (ll.27-32 The quote from Gregory
Jantz, the founder of "A place of hope "," Our kids are in a different zone now "clearly underlines that
the younger generation or all internet users in general have to be prepared for a risk and have to be
careful on the internet.

Summarized in a nutshell, the authors would like to point out to be more careful by using the
internet, despite their neutral language and no opinion.

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