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The cinema is the making films and which has the ability to make the

spectator feel emotional, reflect and rest.

There are several types of film, for example: genre, romance, action,
fantasy and many more.
Now I'm going to talk about an example of a movie person:
Emma Watson is a British actress, whom I greatly admire. His career began
with the Harry Potter films.
Her performance in that film was so good that from the first film she
made, she was immediately recognized for her good work.
Ema watson made her first film at the age of 10, the actress is a good
example that representation has no age and that everyone of different
ages with knowledge in the air can represent and be successful as she did.
The trailer that you are now going to see is from the movie “the perks of
being invisible” where emma Watson is one of the main characters and
this for me is the best movie where she represents.

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