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aT) rernee Pa PMC [BEFORE READING 1 took tthe plan of Tutankhamun’s tm when Howard Cartr fund ‘Msc the pctures with the roomate plo. iM 2 non i Cortr got the fore rooms? What do yout? Pat thom norer- umber them It Cy bara ror » C1 treasure room ¢ Cl smal wom 6 C1 ing roae Where are Tutankhamun’s treasures? August 40h 192 The Vey ofthe Kings ere mat last in the Valle of the Kings! I’ valley in the desert with lots of sand and the tombs of dead ayptian kings in it Tt took us a long thne to get here, and we all elt very hot wen we arrived, but that doesn’t ‘matter now Is good tobe here. 1'm happy to be working with Me Carter. Lots of young ‘men wanted to work with him in the Valley ofthe Kings. ‘but he took me because of my father My father and Mr Carter are good friends. They often mect atthe museum In Cairo, My father works there. Also, 'm a good artist. And I know a lot about Tutankhamun, too. Did you know he was a king when he was anly nine years old? But he wasn't king for very long. He died when he was cighteen, Tha’s only one year older than me! Why dhe die then? Perhaps we can find the answer when we find his tomb. Mr Carer thinks isi the Valley of the Kings. He began looking for i ive years ago, and he doesn't want to stop, Some people think he's eraay, but I don't. Neary all the other old Egyptian kings have a tomb here, so why not Tutankhamun? ‘There are about twenty of us, men and hoys, working. here in the valley. Pes for now I'm going to write ths diary and my diary can 1 can make friends later, bat be my friend, There aren't any shops or cinemas here, so I nced something todo inthe evenings, And pethaps one day people are golng to want to read my diary. Why? Wel perhaps we're golng to find Tutankhamun’s tomb, or a different king's tomb, or some new treasures. Egyptian tombs have lots of treasures in them, you know ~ gold and jewels. But thieves took treasures from many of the toms in the past. And there are tomb thieves in Egypt today 00, People come from al ver the wordt Took for ‘gold and jewels. When they find a tomb, they take all the treasure home to thelr counties. think that’s very bad Fm happy to say Mr Carter snot a thief He says Fayptan, pt think he's igh ‘But our work's not going to be easy. Mr Carter has only ‘one ear now to find Tatankhamun's tomb. He's got a ich friend, Lord Carnarvon, and he gives Me help with our work. Lord Carnarvon likes Beypt alot and he loves old Egyptians treasures, He's got lots of them in is home in Fngland, But after giving Mr Carter money for fve years he must be careful. Not long ago he called Me Carter to Bngland and tod him, ‘Only ane more year looking for ‘Tutankhamun, Howard’ Mr Carter came back to Hype at ‘once. He brought ite yellow bind with him, “That birds going to help us ind Tutankhamun’ tomb, said Karim, He'soneof the boys working in the valley with sme, How ca Ite bird help us? I don’t know, But i's treasures must stay n tee we need some help ~ ftom something or someone Pethaps you think a year's long time? Ws not when ‘you're looking for litle tom In very big valley. Wher fare all of Tutankhamun's treasures? Mr Carter thinks he knows ~ and Itlnk he’s right ‘bu t's walt and se! Well, good night, diary ~ from ‘Today I'm going to tll you something about ‘our days in the desert. We begin work very early ‘every morning when the sun comes up. We dg for six “™*™*° hours with not mach water to drink, At twelve o'lock, it is very very hot, So we stop to eat to drink, and to sleep. Alter two hours we begin digging again. We stop when At gets dark. My back and my arms always fel bad in the ‘evenings, We'e very hungry when the sun goes down and the nights tn the desert are ery eld. Everyone's tred, 0 we don’ tall much when we're eating dinner. | don’t knows what ether people think about all day, but 1 think sbout Tutankhamun. Mr Carter says he lived with his brothers and sisters when he was a litle boy. Later he cane married the b say he as no tomb because he died suddenly when he yay was very you! gypt andl Me Carter thinks Tutankhamun fas his tomb somewhere in this valley. But wher But tombs were very important in old ise TTL SSS aa les ate now and the sky is dark. Suddenly feel cod. Is ‘Tutankhamun's body ina tomb somewhere near us now? Are we gong tofind It soon? Is Mr Carers ite yellow bird ning to elp us oF not? Who knows? September 12th 1922 ‘Some vistorscame to the Valley ofthe Kings today. People ‘often come here to lok at the open tombs. They lok at the plctures in the tombs andthe bodes of the dead kings = we call them mummies, you know. Today’ visitors were artists from Prance. They sald everyone in Europe i Interested in Egypt now, They are bullding new Egyptian’ ‘cinemas and hotels in the big cities. And shops are seling “Ragyptian’ beds, tables, ebars, and pictures too. Artists ‘can make a lot of money with Egyptian things. A young irl with dark hale and a beautiful, strong face walked ‘along the valle behind the other artists, Por a minute, she looked at me, Then suddenly she dropped something in the sand and began to look for it.I went to help he. After ‘aiminute, [found ia gold bracelet with an Egyptian exe ‘on it gave it to her and she smiled “Thank you,’ she said, My teacher, Me Ayrton, gaveit to te for mi birthday, Isnt nie? T didn't want to lose it ‘he bad beautiful dark eyes. I wanted to speak to er bout what could Tsay? "Excuse me, Anne you have w Beal face’ Of course not! know her name is Anne because an older man called to herCome on, Anne! “Coming, Mr Ayrton,’ she said, and she ran after him. Inthe evening. the French artists let and went back to thelr hotel Laxor. Anne smiled at me when she ef, but then her teacher, Me Ayrton, called her and the smile left her face and she ran after again, ‘Am I going to see Anne again? 1 ike her a Jot, but 1 don't like her teacher Mr Ayrion. He's lot older than he. Perhaps he's @ very good artist, but why must she run to him every time be calls her? She needs to be with young people, not old Mr Ayeton! Tes another beaut night tonight, Desert nights are ‘wonderful But again ee! very cold. think the dead kings ‘come near us and watch us at night. Tan fel their dead «eyes looking at us cody. Some people think they're angry with us for digging here. They say bad things happen to people when they go Into Eayplian tombs looking for treasure, But Me Carter Is OK. and he began digging in gy years ago. So perhaps they're wrong! READING CHECK. Aro tase stances tr or fle? Tih th boxes. war arte tinge ry. 1 Tori hling Cara loko Tota’ to, © Lor raranis ing inet Mr ater, 4 Tutandnamn td wan ne vr ol ‘Soret art cameo vt on Setembar 2122, neat artis, on, has a le tesoer, Mey, Tana ks ya. ‘WORD WoRK 1 atc he words withthe pte. BS a, Araley Bruny Sid Aadary 5jow ag, desert Tiong atnet Seven LE sooof aooccos ooo 2 ete he werdsta mato the things in the plture artit tied ol gm sand tam treasure ess war ‘hat happen inthe nest chapter? Tk for bones 1 CD Mca mind th oto tomb the sr 1 CM carter anata tal eveyone abut Na work © Date carr eo it es. 4D Amy bei wl ope fC Lara camaren coma to at wai cugner. 15 cararon and Gare re ext when tay oka ha tomb dor Chapter 2 There’s something here! November 4h 1922 Something wonderful happened today! We found a step Jn the sand. It was about 4 pam. when someone suddenly rod out behind me. It was my friend Kavi, “Tariq, quik, there's something here! Iran to him and we dug fast. We son found a step inthe sand and under the fist step we could se a second one. 1 said “Stop! We rnust get Mr Carter” Someone found Mr CCarterand heran over tous. Whes he saw the step. he was very exeted and he coulda't speak. Weal waited. Then he found his volee. ‘Dig’ he ered. ‘Dig I say So we all dug very quickly and we found five more steps before the sun ‘went down. Then we stopped. [Now ae are all very fired, but very excited, At dinner there were many questions in all our heads: What are we going to find next" “Isthere a tomb here? Ist going tobe ‘open or closed rly tomorrow morning we must dig more. don't think: im going to sleep very much tonight. At last there is sometbing new in the sand. And my fiend Karim ound itt ovennber 6th 1922 Tonight Lean tell my diary everything, But only my dary ‘Me Carter says we can’t tll people about the steps inthe ‘snd. He says these very important Today we found sixteen steps in the sand. Then we found a door. And the most important thing ~ the door ‘wasn’t open, but had old Egyptian seals on it. Mi Carter ‘went down the steps and looked atthe seas very carefully for along time, We all waited in the sand under the hot san, Down in the dark, looking at that olé Egyptian door, ‘Me Carter began to laugh, “They're his seals.” he called up tous. “Tutankharnun's ‘seas! think is his tomb at last Well done everybody! ‘Well laughed and cried, It was very exciting! But after fa time, Mr Carter said we must all be qulet. He doesn’t want newspaper men to hear about this and to come to the Valley of the Kings bringing lots of visitors rst I must tell Lord Carnarvon, sald Mr Carter. ‘We can’t open the door without him. Put all the sand back and say nothing about this” ‘Sovweeovered the door andall the steps under thesand ‘again, And now we must wait for Lord Carnarvon. I's ‘ing to take to wooks or more for im to come to Eeypt by ship from England. How can we keep quiet for (wo weoks? 1 @ good thing 'm far fom my family: And that beautfl French artist Anne is faraway now [think she would ike to bear all about this, too. Without them here there's nobody to talk to nobody but you, my diary. jwember 12th 1922 Something very strange happened today. A snake killed Me Carter's yellow bird and ate it. Karim was ill, and bis face went white, when be heard about it “The yellow bird helped us to find Tutankhamun's tomb,’ he sald, but now Tutankhamun sends ths stake toil the bird because hes angry with us. We must stop digging at once and newer, never open the boy-king's tomb: Mr Carter told Karim to be quiet and not to say al those rary things i front of the younger boys. ‘Listen to me, Karim,’ he said, Tutankhamun died thousands of years ‘ago. He can’t be angey with us, do you hear? ‘Who sight about Tutankhamun? Mr Carter or Karim? 1 don't know But beginning t feel fal November 25nd 1922 Today at last Lord Carnarvon and his dau arrived, Lord Carnarvon doesn’t look wel. His face is wery white and tire ‘When they arrived, we took the sand off the steps and thedoor again. Lard Carnarvon and Mr Carter went down, the steps to look at the seals onthe door. They were very cexeted. Lard Carnarvou's daughter stood next to me on the first stp and {heard her say: Tope there’ssomething there this ime. Oh, Rather. you're very tred andi hope this visit dasn't make you fee worse ‘She spoke very quietly, but I heaed ber Lord Carnarvon and Mr Carter stayed down looking at the dooe fora long ine. They were very quel. We went away to have something to eat and drink. When we came back an hour late. they came up the steps to meet ws. Some of the seals ‘on the door are broken. said {ord Carnarvon, ‘So we'renot the fies people to find the door Perhaps the tomb behind the door has nothing int Nobody spoke, Everybody thought of all the gold and treasures we hoped to find there. ‘Bat, Lord Carnarvon continued "i's wonderful thing to find anew torn, We may find pictures on the walls or ‘mummies or other beautiful things. Our work Is very Smportant. Ther are stones bend the door, and we must now move away the stones. So we worked all afternoon. The stones ae big and heavy and I don't know when we're going 10 fnish ~ petlaps tomorrow: scold again tonight, Are we going to find treasure in Ttankhamun's tomb? Is his angry spleit near us, watching us? am too tied to think oF to write any more ‘now. Good night. dary. u EK 2 Ue the words nth tas to comolte Eve's ter. READING Ci ‘Compt the sentences wt the correc ames Mother, ere an ap. Fat nae very tes strange fore to be here afer al that ime on te Terie te carter arin ord carnaeon oe 5 rt ep te sn oe nea eee i tonsa’ tomb, amen » nos he doar in a0 * : re . Minato anne (na apg thn Tarra sy ease ROE Te Aetna : cave es hounds f 0 c . ssettonoorn ote ey bce be fom and not oy fou: to ‘ teks when aes a eth 0 oe « ear eh tag i te ater x ‘woRD woRK a | 1nd the words nthe sass to complete the sentences, cuspaperwpurseaseat (GERD (ess WHAT Dee ayo curs What happens in the net chapter? Match the rst andthe second parts of these ale swoseneimt as COD isles don't know: My <2 Carter's men find. “Anne one night. |

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