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It took about 30 years for the structure of

Tissues are like the fabric of our body and neurons to become well known as such.
when two or more tissues come together to Neural functions are a fundamental part
form our different organs.
of our daily life and allow us to carry out
different activities

Tissue type defines organ function. Muscle tissue allows us to perform

We have four primary tissues: movements, since it excites and
muscular, nervous, epithelial and contracts, it has great vascularization,
connective tissue. and there are three types: skeletal,
cardiac and smooth.

To be able to see in the Cardiac muscles: striated, one nucleus,

microoscope the different tissues branching structure and intercalated
that exist, much more advanced disk.
lenses with special stains are Smooth muscle: uninucleate, packed
needed to observe each part of the together, no striation and smooth.

The first staining of a tissue was Skeletal muscles: long straight cells, obvious
performed in 1850 by the German Joseph striations and multiple nuclei.
Von Gerlach, the only problem he had with
staining was with brain tissue.

CrashCourse [crashcourse]. (2015, enero 12). Tissues, part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #2. Youtube.

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