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A pleasant day to all of you. I am here in front of you to discuss my assigned topic. Does
Age Matter in Relationship? Everybody knows that love is that feeling that makes us truly
inspired or inlove with somebody. We are happy because there’s someone who loves us the most
that loves you more than himself/herself. It is very meaningful thing to all of us, it is also a very
special feeling. Each one of us can feel the love but in love there’s a lot of question. Many
instances that really questionable is when it comes in age gap between the two lovers. Age gap is
one of the concerns of relationship with age disparities in some cultures is a perceived difference
between people of different age ranges. Socially, a society with a difference in wealth
distribution between older and younger people may affects the dynamics of the relationship. We
are free to love, to feel the happiness from others who love us. The gap of age is not problem in
relationship, the important here is that they really love each other. In relationship, it does not
measure the age. Age is not a hindrance for those who are inlove to pursue their relationship.
Actually age is not important because the loyalty and respect of each other is the best. If there are
some gossips don’t mind it, they just speak some words they doesn’t know. They are judging the
lovers because of that thing. Remember we are just in love. Age is not important in love the most
special thing is there is you truly love each other.

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