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1. Regarding the risk factors for CAD all are true except.

a. Regular aerobic exercise protects against CAD

b. Blood Pressures howering reduces the risk of CAD
c. Women on hormone replacement therapy are protected against CAD
d. Elevated serum Homocysterino Level is an independent risk factor

2. The Following symptoms are suggestive of Angina pectoris except

a. Chest pain on climbing 2 flights of stairs

b. Chest pain after meals.
c. Shortness of breath and chest tightness on moderate exertion
d. Left sided Chest pain that aggravates by cough and deep inspiration

3. Describe the Typical PN D

4. NYHA grading of Dyspnea

5. High output failure OGGS in all except

a. Thyroloxicosis
b. Septic Shock
c. Pagets disease
d. Beri Beri
e. Aortic Regurgitation

6. Regarding measurement of blood preasure say True or False

a. Aneroid sphygmomanometers are mercury sphygmomanometer.

b. The length of the bladder should be more than 56 percent length of the upper arm.
c. The use of a cult which is too small will result in a falsely Low blood pressure reading
d. In pregnancy, the blood pressure should be measured in the Lateral recumbent position

1. In a patient with history of Janndice, Praritis and Clay colored stools, suggests
a. Hemohylic Janndice.
b. Obstruhve Janndice.
c. Hepatic Janndice.
d. Drug induced Janndice.
2. A 40 year old diabetic man presents with history of pain Right loin associated with fever with
chills and vomiting. On examination tenderness present in Right renal angle. The most likely
diagnosis is.

a. Acute Appendicitis.
b. Acute Cholecystitis.
c. Right Pyeloneptrlils.
d. Diverticulitis.

3. A 65 year old male smoker, presented with progressive dysphagia to solid then followed by
cigwids also associated with weightless and anorexia, most likely diagnosis is.
a.Achalasia cadis
c.Carcinoma esophagus
d.Esophagial motility disorders

4. 50 year old man presents in Emergency ward with central chest pain. On examination his BP
86/60mtg PR-120/mt. He is pace and sweating profusely. Most likely diagnosis is.
a. Acute Esophagitis
a. Acute Pericarditis.
b. Acute Myocardial infaration.
c. Acid Peplic Ulcer Disease.

5. Which of the following carres central cyanosis

a. Cold exposure.
b. Reynaud phenomenon
c. Heart failure
d. Right to left shunt.

6. A possible diagnosis of Acute Myocardial infarction should be considered in the following

situation except
a. Sudden onset severe central chest pain
b. Sudden severe Left heart failure
c. Sudden death
d. Severe burning enigmatic pain
e. Left sided chest pain aggravates on inspiration

1. A 40 year old male present s with history of chronic productive cough that is worse in the
morning and brought on by changes in posture. Spution is copiom and yellow. The most likely
diagnosis is
a. Br. Asthma
b. Chr. Bronchitis.
c. Bronchieetasis.
d. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
2. A 12 year old boy gives history of swelling of body starting from face and more on getting up in
the morning. On Examination Blood pleasure is normal, No pallor and Ingula Venom pressure
not raised. Most likely cause.
a. Cardiac failure.
b. Right heart failure
c. Nephritic Syndrome.
d. Nephritic syndrome.

3. A 40 year old woman gives history of fever for last 3 weeks accompanied by cough C
expectoration night sweats and weight loss. Chest examination is normal. Likely Diagnosis is.
a. Chr. Bronchitis.
b. Bronchogenic carcinoma.
c. Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
d. Bronchiectosis.

4. A young boy with hypertension, examination of cardio vascular system reveals radio-femoral
delay. The most likely cause of hypertension in this patient is.
a. Coactalion of aorta.
b. Diabetic Nephropathy
c. Dissection of Aorta.
d. Renal Artery stenosis.

5. In a patient with history of shortness of breath, which of the following sign indicates left heart
a. Dependent edema
b. Engorged neck veins
c. Basal crepitations
d. Ascites

6. A 50 year old smoker presents with history of cough, productive of mucoid sputum every winter
for last three years, the most likely diagnosis is
a. Bronchieetasis.
b. Chr. Bronchitis
c. Bronchial Asthma
d. Bronchogenic carcinoma

7. A 20 year old girl is taking anti tuberculosis treatment for 2 months now parents with visual
disturbances. The most likely cause of her symptoms is
a. Isomiazid
b. Ritampilin
c. Ethambutol
d. Pyrazinamido
1. All are features of UMN lesion except
a. Hypertonic
b. Exagerated DTRS.
c. Extensor plantar: reflex
d. Neck shlfness

2. A 60 year old Diabetic, smoker presents with sudden onset weakness of right upper and lower
limbs that worsened progressively over few hours. Most probable cause is
a. Hemorrhagic stroke
b. Thrombotic Stroke
c. Embolic Stroke
d. Venous Stroke

3. Write MRC grading of muscle power.

4. 4. A 30 year old female known Rheumatic mitral valvular disease with arrival fibrillation none.
Presents with weakness of Right sided limbs with aphasia, the likely cholory is,
a. Hemorrhagic stroke
b. Thrombotic Stroke
c. Embolic Stroke
d. Venous Stroke

Finger clubbing may be associated with all except:

(b) Bronchiectasis.
(c) Pulmonary fibrosis.
(d) Bronchial carcinoma.
(e) Asthma.

The following are clinical signs of a large pleural effusion:

(a) Increased vocal fremitus.
(b) Increased vocal resonance.
(c) Dull percussion. (d) Wheeze.
(e) Bronchial breathing.

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