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Singapore International Mathematics Olympiad National Team ‘Training 25-05-02 1 (UK) Some three nonnegative real numbers p,q, satisfy ptqtreal. Prove that T(pq + qr + rp) < 2+ 9pgr. 2 (Austrian-Polish Mathematics Competition) For all real numbers a,b,¢ = 0 such that a+b+e¢=1, prove that 2S (L-@P + (L-BP + (1-eP < (1+ QL + bl +o) and determine when equality occurs for each of the two inequalities. 8 (Iran) Let ABC be a triangle with BC > C'A > AB. Choose points D on BC and E on BA such that BD = BE AC. umcircle of triangle BED intersects AC at P and the line BP intersects the cle of triangle ABC again at Q. Prove that AQ + QC = BP. 4 (Modified frou Gu IMC) Let be the set uf finite words of the letters ey.2. A word can be transformed into an other word by the following two operations: (a) We choose any part of the word and replicate it, for example yyex2 > y (b) (Phe reverse of the first operation) If two consecutive parts of the word ave identical, we may omit one of them, for example xyzryzyx — xyzy2. Show that any word can be transformed into a word of length 8. 5 (Poland) In a convex hexagon ABCDEF, LA + LC + LE = 360° and AB-CD- BF = BC-DE-FA. Prove that AB- FD- BC = BF-DE-CA.

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