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Ibn Tofail University-DA -Exam work-Essay outlining-Mr.

Mounir Brouzi

Topic : Television should be banned

Hook : You cannot imagine how much television is bad!

Thesis: Indeed, television should be banned because

Blue print: it destroys children’s mind , and it includes violence.

Paragraph 1 :

Topic sentence: We should ban television because it destroys children’s mind.

Support 1 : It influences children to become more aggressive with their parents.

Support 2 : It makes children addicted of programs .

Support 3: It causes children to be more carless towards their homework.

Paragraph 2 :

Television should be banned not only because it destroys children’s mind, but also because it
contains violence.

Support 1: it shows advertisements that hurt people’s feeling.

Support 2: it influences children to perform dangerous actions.

Support3 : It gives people dangerous plans to how to kill people.

Therefore, television should be banned not only because it destroys childrens’ mind, but also
because it contains violence. Thus, these is clear reason to ban the television in our society.

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