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Billy was a teenage boy, born and raised in some rural place in England.

His sole
purpose as to find himself and his purpose in life. One day he decided that he couldn’t find
his purpose at where he lives. He was there for 17 years. If it was there, he would have
found it by that time. So, he decided to travel. He got all the money he saved, wrote his
parents a note and rushed to the train station. He bought a ticket for the next train. It was to
He had already arrived at Bath when he opened his eyes. He quickly got off the train.
While he was trying to find the exit, he saw the porter and walked to him. He asked him
some questions about the train schedule and left the train station. He was wondering around
the streets of Bath when he realized a strange house. This house had shaded windows, you
couldn’t see the inside of it. He noticed the big red door of the house and immediately felt an
energy. He was totally captured by the energy and couldn’t resist to it. He steadily went to
the door and rang the bell. He was surprised at himself. He wasn’t thinking of ringing it.
A strange woman opened the door at the moment he rang the doorbell. She was
wearing some baggy trousers and she had piercings everywhere. With her heavy makeup,
she was kind of scary. She said ‘Welcome honey’, and walked into the house. He had no
other choice but to follow her. He couldn’t help but notice the guest book standing near the
door. When he took a look at it, he realized that the writings weren’t in English, or even in
Latin alphabet.
As he was walking down the hall, he heard some noises. When he entered the living
room after her, he saw two animals in the room: a dog and a parrot. The parrot quickly sat
on the woman’s shoulder and the dog started to go in circles around the boy. ‘This is your
familiar’ she said, ‘you can name it and it will be with you until the day you die.’ Familiar?
Billy was confused. What was a familiar? Before he got any more confused, he asked about
the guestbook. ‘Would you lie something to drink?’ The woman asked, pretending that she
didn’t hear his question. ‘Water’ Billy replied.
She went to the kitchen and came back with two glasses of water. ‘Sit’ she ordered to
Billy. After Billy sat, she started telling about everything. She started with her past, how she
became a psychic fortune teller and continued into the present. She told him about how she
knew that he will come and how he is destined to follow her path. She offered im a place to
live and an education to fulfill his destiny but he also added that he wasn’t obliged to
anything. He was free to go at any time.
He agrees and starts is education right away. After some time, as he started to
manage to do some magic, he got more and more curious. One day he stole one of the
woman’s black magic books. He immediately started to read it. He tried to do a spell but he
failed. When the woman barged into the room, he had already failed. ‘Oh you youth. Why
you don’t wait?’ She cried. When Billy asked why she was cring she told him that the gods
don’t like impatient people and it is too late now for his powers had gone.’You will live just
like any other human on the planet, until the day you die and then your punishment starts.’
She said.

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