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Aggressiveness of Phoma and Colletotrichum Isolates in Los Santos Region of

Costa Rica

Conference Paper · September 2014


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5 authors, including:

Miguel Barquero
Instituto del Café de Costa Rica


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Index Table of contents

Aggressiveness of Phoma and Colletotrichum Isolates

in Los Santos Region of Costa Rica


1 Coffee Research Center (CICAFE) of Costa Rica Coffee Institute (ICAFE)
2 University of Costa Rica


Climatic variations experienced by the coffee culture of Costa Rica in recent years have also
modified the typical progress of some of the major diseases affecting this crop. Therefore, it
became necessary to increase knowledge about the aggressiveness of the pathogen Phoma sp.
and Colletotrichum sp; in addition to evaluate the response to different chemical control
options available.

During the year 2013 was collected in the field, leaves with symptoms of Derrite and
Anthracnose diseases. In the laboratory of plant pathology of CICAFE, the pathogens of the
isolations were identified using molecular and morphological techniques. A sample of 10
isolates of Phoma and 10 isolates of Colletotrichum, were evaluated by the amount of
infection, the lesion area, the amount of reproductive structures, the incubation period and the
latency period. Moreover, the biological efficacy of various fungicides under laboratory
conditions at 8, 15, 22 and 30 days after application of the treatments in the field was

The frequency of the Aggressiveness Index in populations of Phoma costarricensis and

Colletotrichum acutatum showed a normal distribution; with individuals with aggressiveness
between 22 and 35% higher than the average. Best efficacy to control these pathogens was
obtained with fungicides of Triazol group in mixture with fungicides of Strobilurin group.
Also discusses relationships of height and climate associated with the aggressiveness of each
pathogen in the study region


In Costa Rica the leaf spot caused by the fungus Phoma costarricensis is kwon as "derrite or
quema". Disease causes problems especially in growing areas located about 1400 meters
above sea level. However, the disease also emerges in places where prevail favorable climatic
conditions such as heavy condensation or frequent rain, moderate winds, low luminosity and
average temperatures around 20°C (Echandi 1957). On the other hand, Anthracnose disease
on coffee leaves and fruits is associated with nutrition problems; and in the tropics the disease
is favored by changes in weather.

In recent years, there has been an increased occurrence of these diseases, even causing
unusual damage, such as in the flowering times. Because of large variation in climate
occurred in the last years, it was necessary to determine the progress curve of these diseases,
the aggressiveness of their population and the effectiveness of fungicides for control (ICAFE,


Pathogens Isolation

 Leaves with symptoms of both diseases were collected in 10 plantations localized at 1550
meters above sea level in the towns of Dota, Tarrazú and León Cortes, in 2013.
 2 sections of diseased tissue of 0,5cm size were grown in PDA medium at 21-23 °C in the
 Finally 10 isolates of each pathogen were selected and were identified by PCR method.

Aggressiveness determination

 Each isolate was cultured in vitro for 2 weeks. 2mm sections of medium with the fungus
were placed on 6 healthy leaves without fungicides application, 4 segments per leaf were
 Every 7 days were evaluated the amount of lesions (IF), lesion size (AL), reproductive
structures (ER), incubation period (PI) and the latency period (PL).

 The aggressiveness index (AI) was calculated by the formula:

Biological efficacy of fungicides

 The study consisted of 8 treatments of contact fungicides, systemic and translaminar,

which were applied on 3 plants 3 years old of the Caturra variety each .
 Leaves of the second node in branches of the middle stratum of plants were taken 8, 15,
22 and 30 days after treatment application. In the laboratory, 6 leaves of each treatment,
were inoculated with 4 disc of PDA with Phoma and were incubated in humid chambers
at 21 °C and photoperiod of 12 h.
 Also green fruits were collected and infected with Colletotrichum-PDA discs in humid
chambers at 23 ºC the same way.

Disease progress curves

 Monitoring was performed in 10 plants (one plagiotropic branch per plant) located in
Dota, Tarrazú and León Cortes cities in 2013.


Results so far, indicate that Derrite disease shows an annual average of severity of a 3%
nationally; nevertheless the disease increases by 20% in August, November, December and
January. Whereas in September and October, the largest increase occurs, up to 90%,
corresponding to the months with greater frequency and intensity in rainfall, minor luminosity
and temperature. On the other hand Anthracnose disease presents an annual infection rate of 4
%, with the greater increase in September (up to 100 %) and remains a moderate infection
level from July to December.

The study of aggressiveness, made during the 2013, in the regions of León Cortes, Tarrazú
and Dota, determined that 17% of the population of Colletotrichum acutatum is 35% more
aggressive than the average of the population; whereas a 30% of Phoma costaricensis
population are 22% more aggressive than the average of the population. The greater
aggressiveness of some of isolates is due to its capacity to form more reproductive structures
more in less time and the development of larger lesions. The first signs of the Antracnose
infection are observed after 9 days, whereas in Derrite after 4 days.

The study on the biological effectiveness of different fungicides, indicate that the best control
of both diseases obtains when using fungicides of Triazol group in mixture with fungicides of
Strobilurin group. A second group, with average effectiveness against pathogens was
composed of fungicides with the molecules: Cyproconazol, Epoxiconazole and Carbendacin,
alone or mixed. Finally, in a third position, and with less effectiveness, the treatment with the
protective type fungicides (copper and ziram), with similar incidence that the treatment
without fungicide application.


The greatest increase of Derrite and Anthracnose diseases in Los Santos Region during 2013,
corresponding to the months of higher frequency and intensity of rainfall, lower brightness
and temperature.

Morphological and molecular identification of isolates recovered found that correspond with
pathogens Phoma costaricensis and Colletotrichum acutatum.

The evaluation of 10 isolates from Los Santos Region, found that 17% of the sample of
Colletotrichum acutatum was 35% more aggressive than the average population; while 30 %
sample of Phoma costarricensis, was 22% more aggressive of average population.

Fungicides with greater control efficacy against the tested pathogens combine two modes of
action: inhibition of ergosterol synthesis and mitochondrial respiration. The least amount of
Derrite and Anthracnose diseases, evaluated in this study with the fungicides evaluated; was
obtained with the fungicidal mixture: Pyraclostrobin - Epoxiconazole and Cyproconazol -


ECHANDI, E. 1957. La Quema de los cafetos causada por Phoma costarricensis n. sp. Rev.
Bio. Tropical, 5(1): 81 - 102.
INSTITUTO DEL CAFÉ DE COSTA RICA. 2011. Resultados de Investigaciones
Concluidas. 1a ed. Barva, Heredia, Costa Rica. Centro de Investigaciones en café.
ICAFE. 134 p.


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