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Depression is a state which a person feels very sad, hopeless and unimportant
and often is unableto live in a normal way. According to Bansal, Gayal, and
Srivastava (2009), a lot of physicians did notbelieve that depressive disorders
existed in the youth 40 years ago. Nowadays, the youth are very proneto
depression due to many factors that can affect their emotional, mental,
psychological state of mind intheir everyday life especially being a student. This
study about depression is quite strange topic becauseit is very mysterious yet
the majority of people especially in school settings lacks knowledge about
thistopicIn the recent time, depression occurred more and more often to
almost all of the teens. Thestatistics of National Institute of Mental Health
(2014) states that depression is the most often mentaldisorder that teens and
adults in United States have. According to their study, over 2.8 million youth
withage of 12-17 have experienced at least one major depression. Another study
from states that depression can last longer and
may last for a year or so. Depression can be triggered inseveral of ways like
failures, lost loved ones, identity loss, and many more. They clear that not
everyonewho experience these negative events catch on depression. On the
contrary, there are factors that makethem vulnerable to into it is a severe
mental disorder that may last longer, but there are some peoplewho can endure
it because they are aware of themselves.According to World Health
Organization-Philippines (2017), in the whole Philippines alone, theystated that
about 3.9 million people are living with depression and about 3.07million people
are livingwith anxiety. They added that depression is one of the most leading
factor that makes one person tocommit suicide. They further explained that a
serious national talk regarding depression in which everyFilipino is engaged is
urgently needed. They also concluded on their research that depression is a
mentaldisorder that spread in a whole wide world and it can affect our daily
living. Unlike many large-scaleinternational problems, a solution for depression is
at our hand.

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