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Members of the group :

1. Benaya Widi C.R. (2110302006)

2. Dhania Puspita A. (2110302025)
3. Diva Maulida (2120302040)


Worldwide Traditional Banyumas Food

Definition of Traditional Food

Food is a tradition, because at first food has a role in various rituals and traditional
ceremonies and is made from generation to generation. In food processing, both methods and
raw materials are passed down from generation to generation continuously. Food is not just for
consumption, but is a medium in establishing a relationship between humans and God or
ancestral spirits, fellow humans, and with nature. Food can also be seen as a form of mixing
more than one culture. Furthermore, traditional food is food and drink that is usually consumed
by certain people, with a distinctive taste that is accepted by that community. In making
traditional food, the role of culture is very important, namely in the form of skills, creativity, a
touch of art, tradition and taste.
According to Soekarto (1990) the attractiveness of food such as taste, color, shape, and
texture plays an important role in assessing ready-to-serve food. The traditional food found in
Banyumas is the original food of Banyumas. From various parts of the region, there are various
kinds of food with various variations, which is a fairly large wealth that is owned by Banyumas.
With the development of traditional food, it is hoped that it will provide opportunities for
traditional food to compete in the free market era, including to support Banyumas as a world-
class tourist destination. The diversity of traditional foods strongly supports the realization of
traditional food as a culinary tourism attraction.

Meaning of Mendoan
Indonesia known as culinary the fried foods, such as bakwan, tofu, and mendoan. Fried
foods are usually used as a side dish or as a snack with tea or coffee. Indonesian people usually
eat fried food with cayenne pepper. Among the fried foods, some are designated as intangible
cultural heritage. Mendoan was designated as Indonesia's intangible cultural heritage in the
2021 Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage Determination Session held by the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research and Technology in Jakarta, 26-30 October 2021. In the session,
289 cultural objects were determined and divided into several categories including: oral
traditions and expressions, performing arts, community customs and celebrations, knowledge
and habits of behavior regarding the universe, and traditional skills. For Central Java,
Banyumas special mendoan is designated as an intangible cultural heritage of Indonesia in the
category of Traditional Craft Skills and Proficiency along with other Central Javanese cuisine
such as from Solo there is timlo, kere satay, serabi notosuman, and HIK stalls; then nopia,
souvenirs typical of Purbalingga; and Sega Grombyang from Pemalang. Although it is known
to be typical of Banyumas, mendoan can also be found in Cilacap, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara,
and Kebumen.
According to Ahmad Tohari, mendoan is an accidental product but has become more
popular than the product originally intended, namely chips. To become chips, according to him,
you have to go through two stages of how to fry them. After the food is half cooked, first
removed from the frying pan and cooled. Only then fried again for the second time until dry.
In this first stage, there may be people who want to try to eat it even though it is actually only
the first stage of frying. According to Tohari, this is what later became the food called mendoan.
From that experiment, it was developed specifically for the manufacture of mendoan which is
equipped with various spices. Mendoan appears together with tempeh, which is a food made
from soybeans that is widely grown around Central Asia, the region of China and Indochina.
The word "mendoan" comes from the Banyumasan language "mendo" which means
half cooked. In the Great Indonesian Dictionary V, mendoan is defined as "tempe that is thinly
sliced wide, dipped in seasoned flour mixture, then half-cooked". Because it is half-cooked,
the typical Banyumas mendoan is soft, not crispy. Therefore, Mendoan Banyumas is better
eaten while warm, dipped in soy sauce. This then becomes an inspiration for the community to
be creative in making mendoan.

Difference between Mendoan and Mendoan Chips

There are four differences between Mendoan and Mendoan Chips, namely in flour,
cooking process, frying process, and texture. The original tempe mendoan typical of
Banyumas is made from raw mendoan, while the fried tempeh chips are generally made from
ordinary tempeh. Mendoan is usually made from two different types of flour, namely wheat
flour and rice flour. Unlike mendoan, tempe flour chips are made from a mixture of wheat
flour and starch. Mendoan cooking process is shorter than flour fried tempeh. However,
mendoan requires a high oil temperature. Mendoan must be fried in hot oil, then cooked for a
while, and drained immediately. Unlike the oil temperature, tempeh chips should not be too
hot. The duration of frying mendoan is shorter than frying tempeh chips. This is what makes
the texture of the two different. Mendoan is characteristically half cooked, not crispy and
mushy. Unlike mendoan, which has a soft texture, tempeh chips usually have a golden brown
color and a crunchy texture.

Mendoan Philosophy
The philosophy of mendoan is a parable of the Banyumas people which can be likened to
soft mendoan, in the sense of being flexible or easy to adapt. However, in an urgent situation,
it can become stiff like chips, which when asked to disagree is like wanting to be crushed
together. This philosophy is associated with the determination of the heroes who fought for
Indonesian independence. It is evident from the ancient Banyumas people who became figures
in the world of diplomacy and the military. These figures include General Sudirman, Soesilo
Soedarman, Soepardjo Roestam, and others.

Tools and materials

a. Tool
- Bowl
- Spoon
- Wok
- Gas stove
- Plate
- Solet

b. Ingredients
- 10 sheets of tempeh, ready to buy, cut into 2 parts
- 100 grams of wheat flour
- 50 grams of rice flour
- 2 spring onions, sliced
- 150 ml of water
- 1 egg
- Right amount of oil
c. Ground spices
- 3 red onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp coriander, sangria
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper powder
d. Supplementary material
- Green chili and soy sauce

Ways of making
1. Mix flour and ground spices together
2. Add water little by little while continuing to stir so that the spices are evenly distributed
with the flour
3. Add sliced spring onions, mix well
4. Enter the tempeh one by one and wrap it with the flour mixture
5. Heat the cooking oil, fry the tempeh until golden yellow, fry it on low heat so it doesn't
6. Lift the ripe mendoan, serve it while it's still warm
7. Slice the chili into small pieces and add soy sauce for the chili

Source :

Abdulsalam, A. (7 November 2021). Sejarah dan Filosofi Mendoan: Gorengan Khas

Banyumas dan Warisan Budaya Tak Benda. Ayo

Aisyah, Y. (3 Maret 2021). Resep Tempe Mendoan Basah, Gorengan Khas Banyumas.

Harsana, M. (2 Oktober 2018). Potensi Makanan Tradisional. Home Economics Journal.

Tiofani, K. (13 November 2021). Empat perbedan Mendoan dan tempe goring tepung bukan
cuma cara gorengnya.

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