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This Chapter Includes the Backround of the Study, Statement of the problem,
A Quantitative Explorationary STEM Students Support of the Jeepney
and Modernization Program.

Backround Of The Study

In our research problem we study the negative and positive outcome, STEM student who
support and dissipation of support , failure, and problem in our topic which jeepney

Yes and no. Yes, it will lessen the pollution particularly in a place like Manila and it will help the

commuters students to go the school but surely will not contribute to alleviating the traffic problem

since the footprint of the old and new jeepneys are very close. What is needed are larger capacity

electric or hybrid solutions. If you compare, a double decker bus can carry up to 120 pax and a

footprint of approx. 2 and a half jeepneys only (you will need around 10 jeepneys to match the same

capacity). Plus you lessen the number of emitting engines and the number of abusive drivers. It just

looks like there is not enough political will to carry out the solution.

Most people use public transport to get around. Therefore, the modernization of Jeepneys
Helps to reduce harmful smoke and dust into the environment. The governments has policies to help

Them “Greener” and create conditions for a clean air environment.

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