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FAQ Traine brocran MRP 1. What if | cannot do 5 reps with the lowest weight dumbbells? Ityouare struggling to maintain good form when doing any movement or exercise five or less times using the lightest dumbbells, you can do the movement with no weight Once you can perform the movement more than 30 times without weight While maintaining gocd form, move on to using your lightest available dumbbells. 2. | am very sore every day, is this okay? Soreness is a good sign! Getting in shape invelves It will be worst at the beginring as your body becomes, accustomed to the training. You want to continue to be at least a little sore after workouts even as you become adjusted. The body adapts by getting in better shape when you give it a good workout stimulus, which usually results in some soreness. Though, atter 2 deload week, you should be refreshed and ready to start a new cycle! Bl can'tt if lam doing the movement correctly, what should | do? Watch the video very carefully and try to replicate what Danay does. Have a detail oriented friend watch the video and then watch you perform the move ‘and help you identify any differences to correct your form. You should be sore in your muscles from working hard, but not from pulling or tweaking anything, so take great care to make sure you get the form right before running the full program if you are worried! 4. Can | rest more than 3-5 breaths between myoreps and 30 seconds between supersets if | am really tired? Do your best to start the next set after the instructed amount of rest time, but if you need siight'y more time to catch your breath that is fine as well. Use your best judgment. You want to be pushing yourself, but making sure you're fresh enough to push the target muscle hard—not just your cardiovascular system. As you develop more strength and endurance over the rogram, challenge yourself to push a bit harder each time! 5. What if | can do a movement more than 30 times with the heaviest dumbbells? Ifyou are able todo a movement more than 30 times with the heeviest dumbbells you have available you cen try a couple ‘methods for making the movement more aifficult. You can do the eccentric phase (the controlled descent; for example the ownward phase of a squat movernent) very slowly and pause for a full stop at the end of each rep. Getting 2 good mind muscle connection and paying attention to the contraction during each rep can also increase the hypertrophy (muscle growth) stimulus. Adding sets along with these modifications can be helpful as well. There is also evidence to suggest that you might be able to get a great hypertrophy stimulus from as many as 50 reps, so increasing reps from 30 is an ception, 6. Will this program help me gain weight?? Unless you are purposefully eating extra food in order to gain weight, it will be very hard to gain muscle. Thus, if you're seeking lots of new muscle growth, you should eat extra and seek to gain around 0.25% to 0.5% of your body weight per week. If you're looking for diet help, the RP Det Aop can help! 7. What are the benefits of resistance training (training with weights or other resistance)? Training with weights is bereficial for 2 number of reasons! Weight training makes your bones stronger, making you less vulnerable to injury in the event of accidents or falls. It also makes your muscles, ligaments, and tendons stronger to keep your posture and mobility youthful as you age. In fact, resistance training Is associated with longer independence into old age Compared to those who do not do any resistance training. On top of all of these health benefits, resistance training Is the BEST way to build lean muscle. Hard to argue with all those benefits! of?

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