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A computer is an electronic device that can perform both mathematical (i.¢. calculator) and “| Iggical (ic. artificial intelligence or robotics) eat : zs operations. In addition, a computer can input, process, output, ae and communicate (IPOSC). IPOSC is considered the Information Pro is Cycle. A system is a group of interrelated components that work together to achieve a common goal(s). Computer system is a combination of Hardware (i.e. monitor, CPU, mouse) and Software (i.e. system software and application software). History of Computer: A Closer Look In retrospect, the word computer was mainly used to refer to a person who performs computations and calculations. This transliteration was carried until the middle of the 20% century until machines that performed the same task were invented. The first computers (ie. UNIVAC, ENIAC) were developed in the late 1940s and early 1950s. These computers were designed chiefly for military and government use, In addition, early computers had huge sizes and had very limited capabilities, which means that computers then could only perform one task at a time. Who invented the first processor? While the question as to who really invented the first computer remains unanswered, it was the invention of microprocessor by Dr. Ted Hoff in 1971 that inspired visionaries to shape the future of the microprocessor and its application to personal computers, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak apparently took inspiration fr is i ion in ii i i i or pi nn from this innovation in mventing the first Apple computer in However, it was Apple I], which was invented shortly after, that gained immediate success especially in schools. In 1980, Bill Gates worked with IBM to develop the operating system for IBM PC (Personal Computer). The IBM PC was introduced in 1981 and became the PC of choice in business. Charles Babbage (December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire, UK) is recognized by some as the “father of computing” for his contribution to the basic design of the computer through his analytical machine. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a computer? Computers are indeed ubiquitous. The prevalent influx and pervasive use of computers can cut both ways. While we enjoy the benefits that computers offer, we are also at risk of the drawbacks that the use of computer proffers. On one hand, the importance of computer is not surprising because this technology caters a lot of advantages. a. Speed: It aids us in the automation of tasks which cannot be performed manually; hence, increasing efficiency. b. Reliability: Tt has more computing and calculating power than an ordinary human. c. Storage: It helps us organize and store data and information in a better way. It can store more information than a human brain. d. Communication: Computers offer a cheaper and faster means of communication. On the other hand, the use of computers presents potential hazards to the many aspects of our lives. Health: ‘Too much exposure to radiation may lead to poor vision * (eyesight). Also it may cause pimples and wrinkles. Adversely, prolonged exposure may lead to serious head injuries and disorders. b. Privacy: The use of computers may lead to invasion of privacy especially that confidential personal records and information are now stored in them. ter itself may not have direct compu ss and wastes crrecna wd ee Bro i's the manufacturing proce G i impacl environmental impact, man sollution, that result in the depletion of resources and f op i c entially quash o1 jal and Interpersonal relationships: It can polenta’ y a : i eli ‘ons with others if balance is not maintained. social life and inter: distractions from work and Computers pose ! a ards unproductive thoughts and activities, Jobs and Labor Force: the skills of employees. deviate our altention tow: The computers can potentially replace e Generally, computers are divided into two main cl special-purpose computers and general-purpose computers. Specifically, special-purpose computers, on one hand, are those which are designed for a specific function and are used to control something else. Some examples of this type of computers are telephone, remote control, scientific calculator, and X-ray machine. The general-purpose computers, on the other hand, are those which are designed to perform a wide range of functionalities and solve many different types of problems. Some examples of general-purpose computers are desktop computer, iPod, and mobile computer. Furthermore, general purpose computers are divided into sub-categories according to their physical dimension, functionality, cost, and performance, What is a desktop computer? The desktop or commonly known as Personal Computer (PO) is designed for regular use ata single location, 1. Desktop What isa mobile computer? Mobile computers are also Personal computers; however, ag the name implies, these can be carried from one another, location to 2. Mobile Computer What is a minicomputer? The mid-range server, known as minicomputer, is chiefly utilized by small to medium- size corporations to support hundreds of users and large 3. Midrange amounts of data. Computer/Minicompute What is a mainframe computer? Mainframe computers are huge computers designed to handle very high volumes of both input and output. Because it can accommodate thousands of users and perform processing tasks simultaneously, large organizations or companies utilize these. sr 4. Mainframe Computer What is a desktop supercomputer? Supercomputer is imperatively the fastest kind of computer. This is defined by its extremely high speed to 5. Supercomputer process gargantuan data. Computer Hardware The computer hardware, as the name implies, is an assemblage or a collection of tangible parts of a computer. In layman’s term, computer hardware is an object that can be touched like the monitor, keyboard, system unit, etc. The System Unit A system unit or a computer case (others call it a tower, box, cabinet, or simply a case) is an enclosure of the major components of a computer except the keyboard, monitor, and mouse. However, a system unit is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the CPU, which is the major component of a system unit. A system unit encloses the major components namely: b. a. Motherboard. A motherboard is the physical arrangement in a computer that contains the computer's basic circuitry and components that allow the hardware to communicate with each other, Drive bay(s). A drive bay is an area in a system unit which is used for adding hardware to a computer like a storage disk, etc. Power Supply. A power supply unit mainly functions in converting main alternating current (AC) to low-voltage regulated direct current (DC) for the stable operation of a computer, Sound card. A sound card is also known as audio card. It mainly facilitates the input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs, Some common uses of audio card or sound card are music composition, video editing, video projections, etc. Video card. A video card also called a display card generates the output images to a display. Most video cards offer various functions such as accelerated 3D scenes, MPEG-2/MPEG-4 decoding, TV output, or the ability to connect multiple monitors. Processor. The central processing unit or sometimes referred to as central processor unit (CPU) is technically called the “brain” of the computer because it is responsible for everything that a computer does. It processes almost all instructions for a computer to perform its functions and it practically affects the overall speed and performance of a computer. Hence, there will be no computer without the CPU, g Memory. A memory is a physical device which consists of electronic components that store programs (sets / sequences of instructions) and data on either a temporary or permanent basis for use in a computer or other digital electronic device. The memory of a computer stores three basic categories of items such as the operating software, application programs, the data being processed and the resulting information. In addition, a computer memory can either be volatile or non-volatile. The volatile memory loses its contents when the power is turned off (ie. RAM) while the non-volatile memory does not lose any its contents when the power is put off (i.e. flash memory, ROM). Computer Software The computer, as a tool or machine, is unable to perform its desired functionalities unless there is a software or program(s) installed in it. The computer software, in its very essence, provides instructions or directions on what to do and how to do it. For a computer to perform a wide array of intricate functions, it needs a set of programs, procedures, algorithms, and documentation. There are two basic types of computer software - application software and system software. Application software is a collection of programs that performs specific tasks for users. These tasks range from word processing to databases. However, what controls the operations of the computer and its devices is a set of programs called the system software. An example of system software is an operating system. Computers in our daily lives Electronic communication makes it possible for devices to get connected and form a wider and broader range of capabilities. It’s like having alliances with a group of devices thru connection. i i Advance Research It is the establishment of Project Agency Network (ARPANET) formed by the US Department of Defense for military purposes in 1969 that made electronic communication possible. In order to communicate electronically you need four components: Sender, Receiver, Channel, and Protocol. Computer network is a collection of hardware components and interrelated computers that share information thru communication channel. Computer literacy is the familiarity with computers and related technology. It is the knowledge of how to use computers, Computer in the future will beco: versatile, ‘come smaller, Powerful, and will become the norm.

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