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1. What is the problem of Anderson? How was it resolved?

Anderson's complaint is that his "IT support" is untrustworthy and has provided no
assistance in resolving his issue. So he does his best and applies his expertise to solve his

2. If you were Anderson, what would you do to solve the problem?

So, I'll do what Anderson did: first, I'll contact the company's IT support, and if they
don't assist, I'll try to solve the problem using my own knowledge. And if it stops
working again, I will bring it to the attention of the person who assigned the task so that
he is not surprised that the work was completed.

3. What are the communications barriers present in the scene? How could these barriers
be overcome?

Conflict in the workplace, they need to know everyone's capability and communicate
effectively, if they are not listening well to each other, the conflict will begin, and not
everyone is entitled to be good at a given job.

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