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Rank the following actions according to how much it contributes to a toxic or unhealthy
work/school environment. The highest would be on the top, and the lowest would be on the

 Bullying
 Gossiping or Backbiting
 Annoying habits of a coworker/classmate
 Workload
 Poor facilities

2. Why do people backbite? Is backbiting justifiable?

People backbite because it makes them feel strong to bring down others. They had no idea that
they still didn't know the full narrative of your life. It is not justifiable since it leads to bullying
and the victim person may sue you for oral defamation and send you to prison. For example,
John observes their 16-year-old neighbor with a huge stomach and believes she is pregnant at
such a young age. John informed everyone in their area until the word reached Kat. Kat feels
anxious since the reports about her are false. Her abdomen is bloated because she is unwell.
Kat's mother filed a lawsuit against John because she propagated false stories.

3. What could be the effects of a toxic work environment to an employee and to a company as a

It can lead to absenteeism, sick absence, burnout, and decreased productivity. People backbiting
one other to the point where they are no longer on good terms, for example. Every day, there is
yelling, arguing, resignation, and tension.

4. Do you agree to the solution offered by the speaker? Do you have an alternative solution?

Yes, because the speaker has the ideal approach to put an end to the backbiting. Sharing with
your coworkers and explaining the importance of what you are communicating involves creating
a calm work atmosphere for everyone, not just one or two people. Putting the sign sheet up
where everyone can see it. It is to remind them of their consent to their Gossip 2016 project.
This project is beneficial to everyone since the lesson here is to quit backbiting. After all, it is
neither good nor beneficial.

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