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1. In your opinion, how do cultural norms affect a company or an organization?

Cultural variations effect global business in three major areas: organizational hierarchy,
etiquette, and communication. Understanding them and recognizing their implications for your
business can help you avoid misunderstandings with international clients and coworkers.

2. What are the eight (8) cultural styles presented in the video?

The eight cultural styles presented in the video are enjoyment, purpose, learning, caring, results,
safety, authority and order.

3. Why do different industries differ in terms of cultural styles prevalent in their field?

Organizations have distinct cultures, and their employees are typically motivated differently.
Copying another culture will not succeed unless both organizations handle the same challenges,
have a similar value framework, and have the same workforce composition. Each organization
should discover its own cultural DNA.

4. What is the importance of adaptation or flexibility in these types of vulture existing in the
work sector nowadays?

Adaptability broadens your mind to new ideas, causes you to challenge the current quo, and
gives you the courage to defy tradition. People that are adaptable are not afraid of change
because they will first make the required strategies to deal with it.

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