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Name: Mary Grace Lobina Colambo


B. Read and answer the following questions carefully.

1.What is mathematics for you?
-For me, Math is just not only talks about numbers and other equations. It helps us to enhance
our minds and thinking skills, and Math is important especially if you buy in stores or malls.
Math is also helpful in our problems in our life. Because our Math Teacher taught us how to
solve Math Solving problems. So in our life, we already have knowledge of how we can solve
our problems and how to solve them
2 Where do you apply the principles of mathematics?
-I use math in my daily life.
3. Do you need mathematics everyday? Why?
-I use math on a daily basis because without math we don't seem to understand each other
because of the above if you have a business every day for example why do we do business to
earn money so how do we know that we are making money from our business without math
because math is part of our life, we can't live a peaceful life if there is no math, maybe it will be
chaotic if there is no math, and to be honest, it's really hard if you don't know how to calculate,
we need to know already what is math and once again I use math in my daily life
4. Do you appreciate mathematics? Why or why not?
-Well, it might be hard sometimes but it can be helpful in the near future, that's why I
5. Did you ever perform well in mathematics? Why or why not?
-Yes because there are days when I'm good at math because I listen to my teacher that's why I
pass math, so the lesson here is always listen when the teacher is teaching so you can get how
or what to do especially in the math subject to be honest, I'm really struggling with math, but
sometimes I feel that while I'm answering a math problem, I'm enjoying it, that's why math is
really good when you get it right.

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