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Name : Dian Pemata Putri

Class : XII MIA OLIM 2

Task english
1. Because in the zoo, we can see and learn about clay animals, both from within and
outside the country far away.
2. According to some people, the zoo is outdated, because now we can see wild animals
in their natural habitats just by watching TV or buying videos.
3. Zoochosis are captive animals that often develop abnormal behavior such as rocking
swaying which indicates that they are bored or unhappy in prison-like conditions.
4. According to the author, zoos can also be used as educational media and often can also
increase people's awareness of wildlife, because the only way to save endangered animals
is to arrange them to breed in captivity. But this can also be done in a careful manner
with animal welfare in mind.
5. Yes, I agree because what the author has said earlier is that zoos can be used as a
medium of education and increase people's awareness of wildlife. In addition, the zoo's
biggest contribution is education to the community where the zoo provides opportunities
for ordinary people to grow a love for nature and animals, especially for children. Zoos
can also be used as an alternative to saving animals as long as the care system is good and
proper. I can conclude that keeping animals in a zoo does not necessarily make animals
miserable, as long as the zoo is willing to provide all the physical, mental, and social
needs of animals.

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