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VOCABULARY ‘1 Find and write eight school subjects. T Tae 3 Complete the dialogues with these words. canteen classroom gym library science lab sports field Why have you got your sports bag, Alex? ve got basketball practice in the __ovrn after school. ‘Are you having lunch in the . Lucy? No, 'm going home for lunch today. Where are we having geography today? 12B. It’s next to the gym. Where are you going, Isobel? Tothe I've got chemistry now. What are all those books for? For my history project. fm taking them back to @ Match these places with the objects. the _ E What's happening on the _ canteen classroom gym _ library They're having a Football match. science lab sports field 4 Complete the table with these words and 7 Choose the correct words. phrases. 1. The music/art teacher wasr't at school so we — didn't have guitar practice today. anexam —agood mark a language 2. Your timetable/board shows you when lessons aprize aschooluniform atest atie start and finish. French in your notebook on the board 3. Henry got a good mark for his English language prize/test. 4 [can't go to the cinema. ve got a lot of homework/exam to do. 5 Myschool te/uniform is a green sweater and a black skire 6 Jaya sits at the desk/classroom behind James. & Complete the text with the best answer, A, Bor C, for each space ‘MY SCHOOL ike going to schoo! because | see my best friends there, All the students wear a 1) ___at my school. I's blue and it looks OX, but | don't ike wearing a 5 Choose the correct words. 2) __. I's so uncomfortable round my neck! 1. I had/wrote a lot oF history homework last night. | We don'tsit in the same 3) _all day. We move 2 Most students in my country do/wear a uniform | for each lesson. | never remember what lesson | to school. have so I'm always looking at my 4)__! eg oe Ege cc ena ae My favourite 5) __ is French. Our French teacher Alp ge acer ites Wore ne aeaier= on the is really cool. We never sit at our desks all lesson. pe We often get up and write on the 6)__ . We had a 5 wear/get a red tie to school every day. French exam last week. | was really happy with my 6 Every July we write/have exams, 7)____ because | got 19/20, | don't ike history very much. Our history teacher © Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). | aiwaye gives us lols of €) 1 1 beard _£. 2 desk — 3 exem_ 1@ uniform B bag gasses 4 mark DAskt B trowers Cte 5 notebook _ 3 A table B dassroom € teacher 6 penci case 4 A watch —_B penciicase timetable 7 timetable 5A subject B cassroom desk 8 school uniform _ 6 A board B desk pen 7A classroom B timetable ¢ mark 1A allitof times when classes start and fish BA games B homework ¢ prizes Banumber or letter that shows how good apiece of work is © small bag where you keep your pens and pencils D a special set of clothes that students wear for school E something on the wall of a classroom that the teacher writes on F atest of how much you know about something, G a book you can write in H_a table that you sit at to write or work I GRAMMAR ‘1 Complete the table with the correct Form of the verbs. Complete the sentences with was/were or wasn’t/ weren't. 1 It wes Jonathan's first day at schoo! today. He really enjoyed it 2 | usually enjoy my lunch in the canteen, but today the food very nice, 3. I dont usually ike maths, but my lesson really good today. 4 Jacob and Emily at school today. They aren't very well. 5 My English homework today. I finished it quickly, 6 | gota really good mark in my history exam. My parents. really happy. _.. very difficult ‘3 Complete the short answers. 1 Were George and Harry in class today? Yes, ___they were. __ 2 Was your homework difficult? No, 3 Were your Friends in the canteen at lunchtime? vec 4 Was your school uniform red and grey? Yes, tie 5. Were you nervous before your exam today, Joe? Nope ls Wa 6 Wes Anna the winner of the art prize this year? Yes, 4 Complete the sentences with the past simple Form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Our teacher _wrote.__ (write) the questions on the board, 2 1____{choose) Italian for my foreign language subject. 3. Mr Carter _ {not give) us any geography homework yesterday. 4 Lee, (speak) to the PE teacher about the basketball match, si (have) lunch with Grace in the canteen. 6 The students uniform yesterday. (begin) the exam at 9.45 a.m. __.. [not wear) schoo! 7 We 5 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ee My year in Greece ~ When (was 13 wet) ted __ (live) in Greece for a year. My school In Greece was called ‘Gymnasio’. My school day 2) (not be) the same as in the UK. In my Greek school, lessons 3) _ (begin) at 8.15 and 4) _ _ (finish) at 1.45. The school 5) canteen. Everyone 6) for lunch, We usually 7) lunch at about 2.30. loved the school summer holidays In Greece. They 8)___ (be) three months (on (not have) a (go) home __ [have) Past simple questions 5 Pur the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 today / your maths exam / Was / difficult /? Wes your maths exam eiffcult today? 2. Finish you / your history homework / Did /? 3. a.good mark / Did / get / in his biology test / David /? 4 the answer on the board / the teacher / Did / write /? 5 your library books / Were / in your school bag / 2 6 Clare and Mark / lunch in the schoo! canteen / Did / have /? @ wevschoot 7 Match the questions (1-6) with the answers (AF). 1. Did Madeleine have a good English lesson? 8 How much was it? Did you get a good mark for your exam? Where was your PE lesson today? Did Jake and Sonia have school dinner today? ‘When did you leave school yesterday? aunwn At3.15 p.m. Yes, she did. No, they didnt. £2.99. Yes, | did. In the gym. amoom> & Complete the email with these words. did didn't had saw took was was went Hi, Billy How 1)__was___ your schoo! trip? 2). you have a good time? I came back from my school history trip yesterday, We 3) to London. We 4) a really good time. We visited lots of old places. My favourite place 5) the Tower of London. We also went to Buckingham Palace, but we 6) _ see the Queen! | 7 lots of photos for my school project. We also went to the cinema in Leicester ‘Square one evening, We 8) __areally good flm. ‘Speak soon, Helen

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