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Mary Althea C.


2.2 BSTM

How adequate is the infrastructure for Our city is adequate to give all the supplies
Business in your community, province or city? when building a business. There’s a lot of
Are there enough provisions for basic hardware near the area. Also, the place isn’t
requisites like roads and bridges, power and fond of floods, pollution and etc. There are
water supply, telephone, internet facilities, enough supplies when it comes on basic needs.
And banking services? Our city isn’t far Manila, so if we got lack of
supplies we can just go there within 1 and half
Is the environment peaceful, safe and Our place is safe and peaceful, especially it’s a
Orderly? province. There’s a good environment here since
there’s a lot of trees.
What are the incentives, assistance There’s a support coming local government. When
programs and other support that the national you’re just starting a business, sometimes they
and local governments make available to give a little capital to support you, advertise you
business, especially to small, start-up product/services by announcing in your area and
Businesses? posting it online.
How prepared is the government to serve the I think local government has any savings,
Needs of businessmen? Are civil servants foundations, or anything that will support each
Courteous and service-oriented? Are business. Doing your papers to be legal sometimes
procedures and requirements for business isn’t simple and fast, since there are a lot of people
Registration, for example, clear and simple? wanting their requirements for some reason. But
now, they implemented an online registration so
you would not be able to come in office.
What good does the country import from Rice mill, coffee mill/decuple, corn mill, are
Abroad? What goods and services does your examples of goods that Cavite can import in other
particular community or town “import” from country.
Manila and other big cities?

 Differentiate the types of entrepreneurs??

1. Small businesses. People interested in small business entrepreneurship are most likely to
make a profit that supports their family and a modest lifestyle.
2. Large company entrepreneurship is when a company has a finite amount of life cycles. This
type of entrepreneurship is for an advanced professional who knows how to sustain
3. Scalable startups look for things that are missing in the market and create solutions for
them. Many of these types of businesses start in Silicon Valley and are technology-focused.
4. Social entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur who wants to solve social problems with their
products and services is in this category of entrepreneurship.
5. Innovative entrepreneurs are people who are constantly coming up with new ideas and
inventions. They take these ideas and turn them into business ventures. They often aim to
change the way people live for the better.
6. Hustler entrepreneurship. People who are willing to work hard and put in constant effort
are considered hustler entrepreneurs. They often start small and work toward growing a
bigger business with hard work rather than capital.
7. Imitators are entrepreneurs who use others' business ideas as inspiration but work to
improve them. They look to make certain products and services better and more profitable.
8. Researcher entrepreneurship. Researchers take their time when starting their own
business. They want to do as much research as possible before offering a product or service.
They believe that with the right preparation and information, they have a higher chance of
being successful.
9. Buyer entrepreneurship. A buyer is a type of entrepreneur who uses their wealth to fuel
their business ventures. Their specialty is to use their fortunes to buy businesses that they
think will be successful.

 By observing in your location identify what type of entrepreneur are they?

1. Observing our location, I can say that entrepreneurs here are sociable and hustlers. Even
they have small business, they do everything to promote and advertise their product and
services. Sometime, they overtime just to finish everything. They put their power, effort,
love and care to their business.

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